Zyril Tione




full name: zyril adalin tione

kelisade's hotblooded, punk rock, take-no-shit aunt. she works in a tattoo shop in the astrolabe and runs a blog on the side.

she ran away from home as a teen and joined a nunnery to get away from her abusive dad, then quit so she could party the night away as soon as he dropped dead. she reconnected with her brother years later and was ecstatic to find out she had a niece on the way. unfortunately, by the time she found him he had a terminal disease, and while on his deathbed he made her promise to watch over his kid in his stead.

zyril has been a constant presence in kelisade's life from then on, and was the disciplinarian whenever her mom and step-dad couldn't quite put their foot down. when keli finally got kicked out of school, zyril was the one to get her enrolled at starfell asap