Scoria Lahar



4 years, 3 months ago


"I will solve these injustices, no matter what."

Name Scoria Lahar Age 31
Gender Cis Female (she/her) Orientation Bi/Ace
Height 5'4 Eye Colour Dark Brown
Job Socialite Star Sign Aquarius
Species Human Other Ambidextrous


Scoria is a noble with a love of justice. She’s seen how art has been stolen by the city/country, but couldn’t solve it legally with money. So she decided to solve it illegally with money, by funding a troupe of phantom thieves, dubbed Obsidian, to reclaim the art and send it on its way.

She has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and chronic pain, and she can’t be too physically active. Scoria uses a cane to help her walk around with greater ease. She loves visits from her childhood friend Alonzo and playing with her cats.

The Cats

  • Mango (Smokey long hair, F)
  • Yuzu (Tortoiseshell, F)
  • Pumpkin (Orange Tabby, M)
  • Guava (White long hair, M, deaf)
  • Honey (Calico, F)


Alonzo/Phantom Thief Basalt: Her best friend since childhood. Scoria has a "thing" for adopting strays, which is how she ran into her now best friend. She's also his boss in Obsidian, as both the brains and money of the operation.

Meenah/Phantom Thief Onyx: Scoria isn't sure she made the right choice in thief, but what Meenah lacks in self-preservation she makes up for with ability. Scoria respects her and appreciates her work and dedication to the cause. She wants to be closer friends one day!

Her Cats: She loves them. They love her. They also love bothering Alonzo.


  • Likes: justice, clothes, money, cats, music
  • Dislikes: hot days, allergens, being alone too long