


4 years, 8 months ago


Haystar (Haystep)
~5 years (60 moons/36 cat years)
Oriental shorthair mix
GreenClan leader


Intelligent • Supportive • Fair • over-confident

Haystar is a very tall, thin calico she-cat with a long snout, large ears, and a very skinny tail. She is known to be incredibly calm with an inviting aura which can draw in anyone, GreenClan or other. She is a kind and thoughtful leader, and although seen as a bit of a softy, her reputation precedes her.

Born just before her parent's brutal break-up, Haystar was raised mostly by her aunt, Pompeii. She grew up hearing Pompeii's stories of the nearby Clans and was very infatuated with them. Eventually, she went to live with the Clans and was apprenticed- later to rise the ranks and become a leader.


  • wildflowers
  • waking up for sunrise
  • bees
  • water


  • being on bad terms with somebody
  • snakes
  • fire and smoke
  • mess
"Everyone is worth more than their past. You don't have to forget, but you should forgive."


Haystar (originally named Halle) was born in a small home to her mother, Magnolia, and her father, Leopardface. Magnolia wasn't a very involved parent, and neither was Leopardface, who was a BarkClan warrior by day and mate of Georgia, Magnolia's sister, by night. Halle was kept a secret for many moons until Georgia found out that Leopardface and Magnolia had had an affair- what followed were several nights of screaming and cursing from all angles. Magnolia's other sister, Pompeii, heard that this was happening and saw how scared and neglected Halle was, so she decided to take her under her wing for a while.

Pompeii had two kits of her own, Starlingclaw and Lionpaw, who she'd been forced to abandon in GreenClan due to unfortunate circumstances. She saw Halle as a chance to redeem herself as a mother by raising her the way she wished she could have with her own little ones. On the other hand, being constantly reminded of that failure made Pompeii quick to beat herself up over mistakes and get upset. A lot of Halle's kithood was spent either learning from Pompeii, or comforting her. One thing she really loved though were Pompeii's stories from her time in the Clans. Halle was infatuated with the structure and community of GreenClan, and asked about it often.

Halle was 7 moons old when Pompeii started getting sick. It started with fatigue, then coughing, then complete weakness. She suggested that maybe Pompeii should try and find a home with a human, as it was getting colder outside and the winter would be tough. Pompeii was reluctant, but eventually agreed that she needed a warm place for the season. Halle proposed that she could go join the Clan, and although Pompeii was sad to lose her niece, she knew how much this meant to her. So, they parted ways, vowing to visit again soon.

Halle introduced herself to GreenClan's leader, Copperstar, and was accepted smoothly into the community. Many cats knew of Pompeii, and although they didn't think highly of her, they were impressed by how mature, polite, and curious Halle was. She was renamed Haypaw and was given Daisyleg as her mentor; Daisyleg was a very shy and jumpy tom, but he wasn't Clanborn, which is likely why he was chosen. Many of their early lessons included lots of prompting by Haypaw and awkward silence, but she learned to speak his language and gradually helped him come out of his shell. He probably learned more than she did, if he were honest. Haypaw graduated at 13 moons old and took the name Haystep.

Haystep truly thrived in her warriorhood. She befriended every cat (except for Starlingclaw and Lionflight, who were very bitter), particularly Larkbriar, the daughter of Starlingclaw. Although she was really the opposite of Haystep- very brash, disrespectful, and irrational- they bonded over their love for long walks, which they often took together. When Copperstar died, he was replaced by his son, Turkeyfeather, who was Larkbriar's mate. Larkbriar was chosen to be Turkeystar's heir, and although Haystep wondered if she could be a good leader, she obviously supported her.

One afternoon, Haystep came home from a hunting mission to find the camp filled with sobbing and blood. In the center of the camp was Turkeystar's mangled corpse, surrounded by mourning Clanmates. Larkbriar, who was heavily pregnant at the time, was unconsious in the medicine den with a horrible back injury; her and Turkeystar had been attacked by a bobcat on a morning stroll, and she barely made it out alive. Larkbriar had narrowly escaped complete paralysis; she wouldn't walk again for moons, and even then she wouldn't have any feeling in her feet. Between her injuries, her grief, and her pregnancy, it was clear she couldn't take Turkeystar's place, and to many's surprise, she asked Haystep to be the next leader of GreenClan.

And so, she became Haystar at just 3 years old. She kept things steady for the Clan, thanks to her temporary deputy, Starlingclaw, and spent a lot of time with Larkbriar. The injured she-cat gave birth weeks after the attack to three stillborns and one little son who looked much like Turkeystar. Larkbriar had zero interest in parenting at first, but being the widow of a leader, the whole Clan was very eager to support her and babysit Chivekit. Finally, when the little chap was a moon old, Larkbriar perked up a little and started caring for him. Haystar was helping each step along the way, gently pushing Larkbriar to continue with her motherhood and recovery.

Haystar has continued to be a great leader for seasons, with Larkbriar as her deputy and **** as her heir. Her greatest achievements so far include being the first GreenClan leader to recieve her nine lives, and the first to have no whitecough epidemic during wintertime.


• please respect her described size and fur length!!

• feel free to alter her colors to fit an aesthetic/palette

• her Oriental shorthair face is a very important part of her design. even if you aren't confident, she has to look different than normal cats!

• skinny, skinny, sKINNY

• calm smiles are her usual expression


• Haystar has a blanket in her den that she keeps a secret. It's just so soft!

• she has a huge crush on Larkbriar, but never made any advances. she's very comfortable with just a close, close friendship.

• was more embarrassed than angry at Ambertrail and Clawstream for running away.

• would definitely be involved in politics if she were a human, due to her passion to create positive change.

• originally had a dark blue vest as an accessory, but I dropped that quickly.

• purchased in 2018




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