


4 years, 2 months ago


Original post

Born as a weakened and frail child, Evania would not have survived her first few hours of life if it weren’t for a miracle sent from the gods above. In a small, sparsely-inhabited village in the far north of Aurincratz, a young mother and father held their newly-hatched child in their arms as she shivered and coughed weakly. The child’s body shook with the effort it took to even move, and to all who saw, it was clear that she was not going to live much longer. Desperate for a solution to save their daughter from her imminent fate, the two parents took her to the ancient spring that served as their place of worship; a small fountain of natural drawn water that fell from the side of the mountain into the pond below.

With anguished cries, they called out for their deities, praying for the life of their child and begging for mercy from the heavens. As the child drew her last breath, her body shivering in the cold air, her father lowered her down into the spring. The water seemed to glow around her as it soaked into her tiny mane, bits of frost crystallizing on her hair and spreading across her entire body. For a moment, her parents were afraid that something terribly wrong had happened, but the small viscling was then encircled in a pale blue light and carried to the center of the spring before she rose into the air with a flash and disappeared into the soft flakes of snow falling from the sky. By the grace of the immortals, she had been spared, and although she would not grow up with her parents and around others like her, her life continued on, far from her birthplace in a world where she could be free from her illnesses and where time was frozen.

Evania, as named by her parents, has lived her entire life on an island in the middle of the sea, surrounded by the arctic waters of the north. This island is not on the same plane as the rest of the world though, it is a separate realm where time has halted and winter is everlasting. Evania grew up on this island, and though she is far from her birthplace and her parents, she is not alone. The magic of the island is what preserves her and keeps her from falling ill again, but if she was to leave, the spell would not follow her and she would soon succumb to the sickness she was born with.

The gods appointed a protector in their stead, a snowy white panther with stunning yellow-flecked blue eyes. This animal would serve as Evania’s companion and also as her teacher, and played an enormous part in bringing her up and showing her the endless magic and possibilities her island, her world had to offer. The creature also was to be a safeguard in case Evania ever tried to leave, to explain what would happen to her if she did. After years together, the two have become the closest of friends. The panther, Nagi, has been able to teach Evania how the magic of the island can be channeled, which led to Evania's current abilities to manipulate the water, snow, and ice around her to create fantastical images, creatures, structures, and everything else imaginable as an outlet for her creativity.

Over time though, Evania has been growing lonely, and after 20 long years in isolation, she desires to see the others that she knows are out past the endless waters somewhere. Nagi is aware of this want and has been able to distract the viscet for a long time so she would not think about leaving, but as the time passes, Evania's dreams of seeing the outside world become stronger and more vivid, and she starts to plan a way to escape from her home.