
Name: Dexter

O.S: GAY 100%

Gender: Male

Age:  24yo

Birthday: 14/02

Specie: born angel skeleton

Size: 1m59

Best Friend (s): Nabi , Marky (childhood) and animals

Couple: Hades ( from Jupiiiiiii )

Likes: his family, sweet food, cute stuff, looking cute and hot, sex, walk, flowers, sing, tease his friends, having all the attention, sleep naked, bubble bath with Hades, watching Hades naked-

Hate: hunters, animal abuse, having no attention from everyone, spicy food, cold people, anyone touching his family, touching his animal part without autorization, strict clothes, classic music, being punished by Hades (mean no sex :( )

Pet: X

Profession: Singer with Nabi

Default: doesn't handle alcohol, weak; he just ran away and hide, need a lot of love and sex to stay heatly, noicy

Specialty: take any animal's part (ears and tail/wings) fast runner and angel's abilities

Character: Jealous, possessive, cuddly, pervert, friendly, playful, curious, sensitive, kind, hen mother, positiv

-- Intelligence: 2/5

--Strength: 1/5

--Popularity: 5/5



Dexter always been a good boy in front of everyone but a proud incubus with his close demon friends. His parents sended him to a city to be more "adult". He found a home with the some money they gave him, went everywhere to find a job and ending in a coffee. But not cause of the work in itself; because of the worker there! He met Hades, fastly tryied to be his friend and maybe more... Some evenement happened, like Dexter seeing Hades being close with another man. The following days, he could feel the sexual attraction between these two and it slowly made him sick and weak; his incubus soûl choosed her futur owner... Days pass, no news of Dexter, Hades came to his place to ask news; Dexter wasn't there

He went to his family, looking for help: but there wasn't anyone anymore. He came back to his home, weak and dying. Hades found him and helped him

Days pass again, Dexter feels a bit better with Hades's attention. They end by take dinner at Dexter's house and he asked to the strong man if he could be his boyfriend... 

AND THEY'RE IN COUPLE NOW :D Even, soon married!

They now are a beautiful family, with 2 kids: Lilly (7 yo) and Momo (4 yo). 


-S Place: bottom sub %100

-nsfw fanart: Yes.

-gore pastel fanart: yeah...

-gore fanart: maybe....



INFO BONUS:  his eyes have meanings!


    : excited/lusty (turquoise) 

💜💜: excited (impascient or else)

👁️💜: way too impascient/excited



INFO BONUS:  About his collar with his soûl in it.

- When a angel (born from other angels) falls in love, a collar appear around his soûl. It give many advantage if the "subject" love the incubus in return -

- The "master" can make appear and disappear the collar when he wants

-The master can cure faster the incubus from any pain or injuries

-The master can control him, immobilize, teleport to him, not let him talk (voice turn on XD)

-The master can force him to take the appareance he wants; from desires or not, like, just for fun

- IT CREAT A LINK BETWEEN THEM: both can feels if the other is injuried, in pain or ask for help
