Kale ✪



4 years, 2 months ago


A rambunctious fox demon with one tail.

He dreams of becoming powerful and having nine tails.

He lives in a small town in the demon realm. He gathers herbs in the surrounding wilderness and sells them to make a living. He lives at the town's inn, renting a room.

He spends most of his time either gathering herbs, reading about herbs or legends of nine tailed foxes, or running amok in town with his best friend Yuya (possibly forcibly dragging Loeander along as well).

Kale eventually ends up in a relationship with Loeander, although it started due to a misunderstanding.

Although he is often referred to as a fox "demon", he's not actually a demon, but is a magic beast. (The difference being that demons are nonhumans born with power and magic beast are born as regular beasts and gain sentience and magic through cultivation, and are noticeably rarer then demons) (Kale is unable to remember anything about his time as a beast or the early years after he became a magic beast, all he knows is that his knowledge of herbs and medicine stems from that time and that he has an extreme fear of bear traps that may be related to the old scar on his leg)

Although he goes by he/him pronouns, Kale tends to use feminine role titles when referring to himself (such as sorceress, temptress, etc) due to the fact that basically all the famous Kitsune in history are women. 

-Can be drawn with 1-9 tails

-If you happen to draw him interacting in an intimate/romantic fashion with Loeander, try to make sure Kale has at least 3 tails.

**For art games/trades (including artfight minigames), DO NOT draw his fox form, unless he is interacting with another of my characters (Loeander, Suiyin or Yuya).