


4 years, 2 months ago


By Tooth and Claw Dragons

Name: Riervyss

Age: 786 (adult)

Gender: cis man

Species: lyzard (kaza'inr)

Sexuality: ???

Abilities: Riervyss is a dreamsage, technically a dreamthief, though he finds that term derogatory and prefers "dreamweaver," a moniker he made up himself. It has yet to catch on. A skilled and subtle individual, Riervyss can enter and alter others' dreams. This ability has many uses, from long-distance communication to psychological warfare, and Riervyss has some talent in most of them. However, his primary occupation is in bringing joy to others' dreams; he particularly works to help those afflicted by nightmares. However, he has been known to craft the occasional harmlessly weird dream for others, whether they like it or not.


7'8", with metallic silver scales and violet eyes. He likes to keep his scales highly polished, and often appears even more metallic in dreams, where he has some control over his appearance. Skinny in build even for a lyzard, with long, nimble fingers. He wears the opalescent robes of the Council of Stones, adorned with many runes for sleep and healing.


Riervyss is a patient, compassionate individual. A good listener, he devotes himself to bringing comfort and aid to others, particularly those beneath his priestly jurisdiction, whom he considers in his care. He has a whimsical side, however, and often sees humor in situations others find merely bizarre. He has a taste for pranks; though he rarely commits them himself, at least not in the waking world, he enjoys spectating them, as long as they cause no actual harm.

He follows the Path of Light, though privately -- and very secretly, as discovery might endanger not only his position in the church but his life -- his beliefs lean more towards the Path of Dawn, viewing dragons as divine but not actual gods. As such, he has occasionally treated dragons with a bit more skepticism than typical for a kaza'inr, viewing the safety and well-being of his fellow lyzards as more important than a dragon's whim.

History (backstory):

Riervyss has spent his long life as a loyal member of lyzard society, working his way up the ranks from lowly acolyte to the Council of Stones. His patience, ability to connect well with others, organizational abilities, and skill as a dreamsage have allowed him to reach lofty heights despite his lack of flashy magic or religious insight. He may not have been chosen by any particular god (yet ...), but he's proven himself a loyal servant of Drii'avk Z'krel, and a caring and prudent leader for the lyzard people.


nothing of note

OOC notes:


History (roleplays):

none yet