Xanthe Shamekh



7 years, 6 months ago


I wish to live amongst the unseen

Xanthe Shamekh



Asexual lesbian

July 28th



Xanthe is a bubbly girl with a fondness of space and stars.. she has an intense interest in science fiction and aliens, it goes far enough for her to write about and even draw content relating to it. She's very much into arts as well, explaining her methods of executing her feelings towards her interests. She's also a lover of the earth - she's very into plants and wildlife. She has her own garden and greenhouse to grow various plants.. she dedicates most of her time to taking care of her plants and to creating her art.

Personality wise, she's incredibly sweet and friendly, though her behavior can be described as odd.. she prefers to call herself quirky. Her habits mostly consist of tics like twitching and speech impediments mainly stuttering when she gets excited. Otherwise, she's very charming and likeable. She's grown a wide circle of contacts and friends throughout her adult life because of her incredible social skills. She doesn't go out of her way to attract people, it naturally comes to her. The explanation of people being so drawn to her may be more complex than her attitude, however...

she has a love of all things shiny or glittery - she collects anything pertaining to that interest. she hoards glass bottles of glitter and jewelry she comes across that she manages to get ahold of. Her eyes are pretty sensitive to light, when she goes out during the day she is seen wearing sunglasses to help with her sensitivity. Noting that Xanthe's mother is Shays while her dad is Felthonian, she had grown up being multilingual. Also to note she has an interest in faeries, which can be seen with her love of all things sparkly, glittering and jewelry, she also collects little faerie figures. Xanthe also has a deep love of nature and gardening, she is often found tending to her garden when she isn't looking for cute things, she also as a job does some garden work for others it may not be a high paying job but it is something she rather enjoys doing, plus she gets to meet and talk to people.

  • Gardening
  • Collecting
  • Astronomy
  • Journaling
  • Loud Noises
  • Bright Lights
  • Citrus smells
  • Smoke
Xanthe absolutely adores Strawberry with all her heart! She had managed to break down Strawberry's walls and snuck her way into the haughty girls heart. She has a doll that looks like Strawberry that she snuggles when her love isn't at home and away on a modeling trip. Strawberry at first was annoyed by Xanthe, the persistent desire for friendship since Xanthe is curious about the fae but the eventually became friends then lovers and now Strawberry is very protective and loves her darling, she has a side that only Xanthe knows and experiences, their relationship is filled with fluff and romance.
One of the few people that the small fae does not mind being around, in fact they became friends and Rose helps out and tends to Xanthe's garden. They had bonded over flowers and sparkly items.
The two do not know that they are related...or the same person as Xanthe is a piece of Supernova's soul when the celestial errupted.
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