


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Ashirri *

* As an exile, Ashirri legally has no surname.

Age: 41 (young adult)

Gender: cis man

Species: keht'shu (landstrider)

Sexuality: aro ace

Abilities: Ashirri takes the usual landstrider skill of shaping one reiatsu into helpful constructs to an extreme; he learned great control, endurance, and precision over the 12 years he spent teaching himself to create illegal constructs (wings). He can fly, but thus far refuses to do so, due to the trauma around his first flight. Instead, he primarily uses his reiatsu to enhance his manual strength and dexterity, sometimes by creating gauntlets, sometimes by manifesting construct hands. However, he is a creative and versatile mage, and can shape his reiatsu in many other ways, as needed. His reiatsu is cyan in color.


5'3", skinny to the point of appearing underfed. Black hair, roughly cut and rather unkempt. Brown skin. Blue eyes. Wears ragged clothes and tends to appear tired and careworn. Clearly doesn't take very good care of himself.


Three years ago, Ashirri was a bright, curious, clever young man who loved knowledge and, above all, the stars. Though inclined to be a bit solitary, he could and often did charm others with his enthusiasm.

That changed. Since his exile, Ashirri has turned bitter and self-loathing; he sees his past self as an idealistic fool who should have anticipated the outcome of his meddling in forbidden magic. Yet, at the same time, he resents his people for being so close-minded and cruel to him. Deep inside, he still loves the stars, but he's pushed that love away -- he avoids looking at them now -- because now it's mixed with pain. Look where it got him, after all; he'd have been better off keeping his eyes on the ground all along.

Ashirri is clever and skilled enough to make his way in the world well, but finds himself hamstrung by his emotional state, especially when it comes to using his reiatsu -- any attempt to display his skills makes him feel anxious and ashamed, though he'll demonstrate astonishing talent if he doesn't realize he's doing it. For the last three years, his life has narrowed to the bare minimum of survival, and sometimes not even that. 

History (backstory):

From childhood, Ashirri felt deeply curious about the surface world, despite his family's warnings and attempts to dissuade him. At age 20, he finally had a chance to visit the surface for himself. He saw the stars for the first time -- he'd never even heard of them before -- and fell absolutely, head-over-heels in love. For the next six years, he taught himself everything he could about astronomy using the scarce resources on it in the Everdark, while petitioning for permission to return to the surface. At last he got his wish, making up part of a trade delegation from the Everdark to Arcadia in a tenuous peace. He was over the moon, but it wasn't enough. He wanted more; he had to get closer. So he took up the art of reshaping his reiatsu into wings -- the one shape forbidden to landstriders.

It took him twelve years to teach himself how to do it, and then on his first, brilliant flight, he was caught. His fellow trade delegates dragged him back underground just so that his elders could humiliate and exile him. He made his way back above-ground slowly, and when he looked at the stars again, it was with bitterness in his heart. For the last three years, he's lived on the margins of society, miserable and barely getting by.


nothing of note

OOC notes:

- Going to have a tca'ier partner, Tirvais, written by @pandasaurus dragon [they/them]#8892

History (roleplays):

none yet