💜💔 Eshale de Lune (💜💔 Sparklenose)



3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

He was considered a traitor of his wolfpack for trying to become a vampire while being a wolf

He is Blumys' godfather and only recently got closer to her

When Blumys become the alpha of the pack, she accepted Eshale back, Eshale is very grateful for that

He is very reserved and tries to not raise trouble. He know most think of him as a pariah and he would rather not cause problems for Blumys

Esme is one of the only ones that treat him well and he does talk a lot with them

He is full of regrets, some he keeps close to his heart and doesn't let anyone know about

He longs for companionship, but he knows noone from the worlfpack would date or befriend him



Name Eshale de Lune
Called Eshale, Es
Gender Cis Male
Pronouns He/him
Sexuality Gay
Age 50 years
Birthday July 26th
Occupation Accountance
Status Single
Theme Song ???
Masterlist ???


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