


4 years, 2 months ago


February 2020 prompt 1

How does this boglin show affection? 

Daniel isn't the worlds smartest bog, certainly far from it, either due to this or something unbeknownst to even him, he often struggled to fully announciate feelings of affection and love towards another.  The friends he had often felt that he was overly stonehearted in demeanor, rarely opening up about how he felt about anyone around him. That was until the day he happened to get into a heated argument with another bog, who snapped and called him stonehearted right to his face. Daniels expression quickly changed to one of tears as he cried and ran back to the beachside hut he called home. 

Daniel was hurt, he hadn't been aware of just how others perceived him, he thought that he treated others just fine but he wanted everyone to know just how much he meant to them. There wasn't a single boglin in his local community he wasn't typically able to get along with. If he was to be known as stonehearted however, so be it. 

If you were near his little shack that night, you would have heard lots of banging and noise as the singular flickering light Daniel had stayed on while he tirelessly worked through the entire night and into the morning.

He left just before daybreak with a cloth bag held in his mouth, his head held low due to the sheer weight of what was inside.  He made his way around everyone who he respected; love interests, friends, distant family members no one was safe from the little token he planted at their doors. 

Each boglin received a heart, miticulously chipped and carved by Daniel himself from the stones that littered the pebble beach he lived on, a tradition he continued yearly from then on, letting everyone around him know that he wasn't quite as stonehearted as they all thought.