
4 years, 2 months ago



Name Yent.
Profession Desert Wanderer
Age Unknown
Pronouns They/them
Species Unknown
Height 4'6"
Demeanor Curious
Theme Song link

A mysterious humanoid with huge eyes and no voice. Lagina plucked them out of the desert one day and now they're taking a roadtrip.


  • Flowers
  • Lagina
  • New experiences
  • Scenic Vistas


  • Pain
  • High stress situations
  • Strangers
  • Loud noises


A strange being who fits nowhere within the species currently living in (unnamed world). Lagina trekked out into the desert every day until she found Yent wandering about, snatched them, and promptly started on a roadtrip. Unsure of where they're going, Yent is at least enthused by the idea of not spending their every waking moment in a place full of nothing but sharp plants and sand.

Though a benign and curious being, Yent possess a rather alarming power. Anything they touch they can cause to disintegrate. Though this power is not unusual, the fact Yent can do this without a lens is as rare as it is eye-catching. Lagina tries her best to keep this power of Yent's under wraps, which usually involves telling Yent to not touch anything. However, as Yent is getting to know the world outside the desert for the first time, they want to lay their hands on any object that catches their attention. Lagina has her work cut out for her.



Lagina [ guardian ]

Lagina is the being most familiar to Yent. Yent relies on her for guidance through this strange new world, and for protection, since there are many large and terrifying things. Though her tendency to curb Yent's exploratory impulses grinds on them a bit, they're generally happy to tail along with her and see what the world has to offer.


Rhyan [ mentor...? ]

Rhyan is somewhat more tolerant of Yent's curiosity, and sometimes even accompanies them on investigations. Yent finds his tall stature somewhat intimidating, but has slowly grown more accustomed to him. Rhyan always keeps trying to get Yent to use their powers, which is somewhat anxiety-inducing for Yent and Lagina, so demonstrations are rare and brief. Rhyan himself uses magic and is trying to teach Yent to use a lens, which is going rather poorly.


Alanna [ friend ]

If Lagina is always putting the brakes on Yent's desire to explore, Alanna puts her foot on the gas and never lets up. Though Yent appreciates her support and enthusiasm for exploration, her complete disregard for danger is something that they do not understand in the least. In spite of all that, Yent enjoys her company, even if half the time it's accompanied by a heightened sense of apprehension.

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