


4 years, 7 months ago


Rank: Brightclan Warrior (and turkey negotiator)

Gender: She-cat

Age: ~32 moons

Build notes: slightly smaller than average size, big paws. Fluffy fur, somewhat spiky.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Mate: Sunnywish


Dragonfly- Brother

Cranekit- son

Raptorkit- daughter (adoptive)


Plumefrost has a rather unique past. She was born on a twoleg farm alongside her brother, Dragonfly. Neither one of them knew their parents, as they were left behind. Instead they were fostered by another farmcat, Peanut, who was taking care of kits of her own. They were raised by her, but they weren't necessarily treated like family. There were quite a few cats on the farm, but no matter the relations between them, blood ties or not, they all treated each other more like acquaintances. As Plumefrost and Dragonfly grew older, they began to recognize they were different than the other cats. The other cats kept to themselves, hunting in their own corners of the barn, while Plumefrost and Dragonfly always stuck together.

Plumefrost and Dragonfly also got closer to the other farm animals that the other cats generally avoided. They slept next to the sheep, nestled in their wool. They chased away the flies the frequented the cows. Plumefrost spent quite a bit of time playing and socializing with the chickens and peafowl raised on the farm. The other cats made fun of her for spending so much time with what they would consider prey in the wild, but Plumefrost didn't care. She spent enough time with these birds that she began to understand their language and some of the structure of it. So she began conversing with the birds. She listened to the hens gossip about the newest animals on the farm, she taught the peacocks how to scare away the wild cats that thought they could hunt on the farm. She even babysat the chicks regularly. Dragonfly didn't share the same love and understanding that she did, but he did love his sister so he stayed by her side and defended her from the farmcats that made fun of her.

Their happy farm life changed on the day one of the chickens turned up dead, clearly murdered by a cat. All of the farmcats knew better, as murdering a farm animal was a grave mistake that would result in the death of all the farmcats by the hands of the twolegs. So most of the farmcats fled on the spot. Not only were Dragonfly and Plumefrost forced to leave as well, but Plumefrost couldn't even say goodbye to the chickens because their trust in her was shattered. She was devastated as her and Dragonfly began their journey in the forest. The two of them were aware that they didn't want to live alone. They were used to being surrounded by others so they started searching for another farm they could live on.

As Plumefrost and her brother traveled further they noticed that they found less and less signs of twolegs. Plumefrost adapted her language skills to talk to some turkeys that eventually informed them that their were no farms nearby. However, there was a group of cats living together at a nearby lake that the turkeys were trying to avoid at all costs. Plumefrost and Dragonfly continued their journey, finally reaching the lake and coming into contact with Brightclan. Although it wasn't the farm life Plumefrost missed and longed for, she liked the idea of living with other cats that actually wanted to converse with her. Most of all, Plumefrost could see how much her brother longed for a connection with other cats. He didn't grow up socializing with birds the same way she did and, while Dragonfly had Plumefrost to talk to, she imagined it was quite lonely for him sometimes. So they joined up with Brightclan, ready to turn over a new leaf and start a new life.


Diplomatic | Unusual | Asocial

Plumefrost would like to think she's extremely sociable... at least among chickens, turkeys, and other fowl. Because of the language skills and background she picked up during her farm life, she is very comfortable conversing with the fowl and not so comfortable talking to other cats. She's used to cats being mean or making fun of her and thus, avoids her clanmates for the most part. Most of all she avoids Sunnywish, a cat she thinks dislikes her, but Plumefrost has a huge crush on. She likes Sunnywish because of how bright, cheerful, and fun she is. Plumefrost would like nothing more than to play pranks on Brightclan cats with Sunnywish or go fishing together, but she has heard the other she-cat call her odd and thinks it's best to avoid her. Plumefrost also knows how abrasive her brother, Dragonfly, is towards Sunnywish.

Plumefrost loves her brother but finds herself conversing with him less and less as she tries to envelop herself in making herself useful to Brightclan. She has recently completed negotiations between Brightclan and a wild group of turkeys on their territory. Brightclan will not hunt or harm the turkeys and in return, the turkeys provide Plumefrost with all kinds of useful information like herb locations and potential threats on Brightclan territory. Now that she's completed this task, Plumefrost has set herself to the task of learning to communicate with a local flock of geese. She is being very slow and cautious with this, knowing that last time she tried, she was nearly killed by the geese.

The few cats of Brightclan that Plumefrost talks to include Duststar, Mothdust, and Applefall. While Duststar is charismatic and friendly with everyone, the reason Plumefrost gets along with Mothdust and Applefall is because they're both quirky in their own way and don't see Plumefrost's "odd behavior" as weird at all.