


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Krowell X. Heine






April 14



Stats: 23

            [3] ATK    [7] MAT    [5] TEC
            [2] DEF    [3] MDF
            [1] LUC    [2] SPD

Weapon: Circlet - Once transforms, his weapon levitates on the top of his hand and he can use it to throw it at someone as a boomerang frisbee thing. Krowell mainly uses this for calling out fire and wind attacks, his weapon spins as he calls any attack. It can also be used manually for attacking people however, its weight is not suitable for fast attacks but can deal heavy damage.

Elements: Fire and Wind



Bullet; Green Prideful - He is very prideful to the point that he looks down on some people and judging them in his mind
Bullet; Green Responsible - Contrary to how pissed he looks and how often he complains, he does his job anyway
Bullet; Green Intelligent - Very, very intelligent. He has read tons of books ever since he was a kid.
Bullet; Green Organized - Who likes a messy room?
Bullet; Green Disciplined - Refined and always formal with how he always acts

Bullet; Red Moody - There are times he is actually happy, angry(most of the time) and probably emo at times. you wouldn't know when though.
Bullet; Red Risk-taker - Confident with his skills and wouldn't mind charging all of a sudden if it's needed
Bullet; Red Impatient - Do whatever he tells you to do. Quickly

Bullet; Green Books books and books
Bullet; Green His weapon hihih
Bullet; Green Finishing his tasks on time

Bullet; Red Try and hurt his imouto and you're in for hell
Bullet; Red Messy rooms
Bullet; Red Being looked down on
Bullet; Red Sour things

>Exceptionally good at combat strategies and fighting as well.

Family Background: Comprised of his sister, Ariella R. Heine. His father and mother are deceased.


"Prince" is what most people often call him wherever he was. Krowell X. Heine, born into the family of Aristocrats, knew he has to deal with all the "must be the perfect image of what means to be part of the Aristocrat" crap. His time consisted mostly of: studying, proper etiquette, mannerisms and anything there is that was needed to be studied in order to be a perfect "gentleman". He wasn't spoiled but he wasn't ignorant either, he would only ask for things when he needed so but for as long as he can get it, he'll do it himself. His relationship with his mother and father was fairly normal, he acts disciplined in front of them since he knew that they expected a lot from him. His sister, Ariella, although spoiled by both of his parents, he never hated on her to do so since he believed that his sister deserves to be treated like that because she deserves so.

Living in tranquility and peace everyday was more than enough of what Krowell can ask for...Until "it" happened. One day, Krowell was already 15 years old when it happened, their family was whooped in one sweep when monsters begin invading the town they are residing in. A nest was spotted near the outskirts of their town and before they knew it, monsters sprouted out from it. Many people were killed, some were able to survive. Krowell, along with his sister, still had no ability to fight back, had no choice but to run away, leaving their dead parents and the rest of the household behind.

Settling down on a smaller place, the distance between the two siblings grew closer since they had to work together in order to survive. Krowell found ways on how they can survive, and he swore on his grave that he will protect Ariella and his town. Day by day, at a corner of his mind, he blamed himself for not having enough power to protect anyone but also wished and told himself that he would grow stronger and protect everything he cares for. And then..

[ It is said that the Star God choose people and give his brand to those who have a good wish for the World ]

It happened. A Miracle. He was granted with power with his sister who bore witness to it all. His sister, soon also received the same power and was happy for her as well.
They fought back, killing all monsters that manifested in his town. It has only been weeks but the town was already cleared off of those ravishing beasts.

News about Krowell has reached the ears of the Academy and he was to be invited there. He refused at first because he couldn't stand the thought of being separated from his sister but after some time, the Academy also accepted her as well.

Extras: -n/a-