


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Christopher "Kit" Marwing






July 18



(under construction)

Kit has always lived a very sheltered life. Being the only son of the King and Queen of Galtia has meant that he's spent much of his life with others taking care of things for him. Growing up, Kit was very close with both of his parents and looked up to both of them. Kit was also very close with his cousin, Leo, and spent most of his spare time playing with him. Despite the fact that there was a lot of tension between their parents, Kit always considered Leo to be his best friend. 

When Kit was thirteen, Leo went missing. Kit's father did everything he could to make sure that Leo was found and brought home safely. Unfortunately, three days later Leo was found dead, which left Kit feeling extremely devastated and lonely. His death also caused the relationship between Kit and Leo's parents to become even more strained than it already was, as the two each blamed each other for Leo's death. 

A few months after Leo's death, Kit discovered that he had telekinetic abilities. Kit kept his powers a secret from everyone except his parents and the castle healer. As he learned how to master his powers, he became very close with his mother, who also had her own set of powers. Kit also often toyed with the idea of telling the general public about his powers, but ultimately felt that it was safer to keep them secret since powers aren't completely accepted by everyone in his kingdom. 


Kit has spent much of his life being prepared for the fact that he will one day inherit his father's throne. He's proven to be a capable leader among his friends, though he doesn't always respond well when others tell him what to do and sometimes doesn't admit that he needs help. He's also very loyal to his friends and family and would do anything he can to help them out when they need it. His sheltered lifestyle has also made him a little bit clueless and naive to other people's issues since the luxurious palace lifestyle is all he's ever known. He also lacks street smarts, despite being very book smart. 

Relationships with Other Characters

Eva: Kit met Eva while he was imprisoned in the Patrol's headquarters. The two of them joined forces to rescue Caleb and escape, and from that point forward the two became friends. As they travelled together, Kit found that Eva did not treat him any differently because of his status which he really liked, since he was used to people sucking up to him. Eva's mind reading abilities also meant that they tended to be very open and honest with each other. 

Caleb: Much like his older sister, Eva, Kit and Caleb got along with each other quite well. However, Kit's sheltered upbringing meant that he didn't quite understand the severity of a lot of Caleb's problems, so despite getting along, they didn't always see eye to eye. 

Crispin: Kit and Crispin did not initially get along well with each other. Crispin would frequently insult Kit and his family, which was something that Kit was not used to dealing with. After travelling with him for a bit, the two found that they had more in common than they initially thought and were able to be civil with each other. 
