Fléau "Fana Mimi"


Basic Info

Formal Name



Fana Mimi (Often shortened to Mimi, and it is frowned upon to call him by name due to superstition that it may "summon" him in all regions of Lato so most refer to him as "The Red Imp" or just "Imp")

Name Meaning

Fléau - (French word meaning “scourge, plague, evil, bane, curse, flail”), Fana - Islamic term meaning "Annihilation (of the self)", Mimi - Italian name meaning "Bitterly wanted child"


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time"; 13-15 or 18-20 years old, depending on the RP)


Genderfluid; some regions refer to by "he, him, his" while other regions refer to by "she, her, hers"; both regions depict very ambiguous in gender; Overall prefers male pronouns




Perked Ears (rare), Long Fluff Tail + Bob + Mace Spikes (mutation), Horns (uncommon)

Favourite Food(s)

Deviled Eggs and spiced ham

Favourite Sweet Food(s)



Death and Trickery

Personality Highlights

Confident | Sadistic | Playful | Selfish/Greedy | Forgetful | Jaded | Apathetic | Manipulative | Pampered/Spoiled | Tyrannical | Suave (when necessary) | Condescending | Hateful | Vindictive | Fueled by Revenge | Wicked | Evil | Cruel | Sneaky | Sly | Cunning | Vulgar


Chaotic Evil


Deity of Murder and Hate (Associated with Curses, War, and Death)


STR 25 DEX 26 CON 24 INT 18 WIS 19 CHA 21 (Avatar only)


Enemy of all other deities except Voyou Feli, Voyou Feli’s older brother (by blood), Kimos's “younger sibling” (not by blood but in deity myths due to their shared domain of trickery), Marek's assigned deity


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



"What was your name again...?"

Personality: Confident, highly sadistic, playful, selfish, forgetful (particularly when it comes to names), jaded to the value of life, can seem apathetic at times. He is often mistaken for cute and while he doesn't always like that he still uses his adorable exterior to his advantage. Like other deities he enjoys being pampered and to have his ego stroked on a regular basis due to his tyrannical demeanor. That is how Marek has learned to fulfill the greedy whims of his master.

Life Before Ascension: Fana Mimi was unable to find the traditional work of an Uchikomimi, such as cleaning weapons or other objects. Instead, due to his mutation he was forced to do hard labor on a farm by threshing grain. The hours were long, and the job thankless, since the farm owner saw the Uchikomimis as little more than tools to be used. This wore on Mimi's resolve, making him bitter and resentful towards the farm owner. One day, his bitterness was too great and he waited until night to sneak into the farmer's bedchamber. Once inside, he smashed the man's body while he slept, expecting to just injure him. However, his strength was greater than he knew and his anger too much. He had crushed the man's head and in his panic he fled, leaving behind the farm he had lived at for so many years.

He eventually ended up in the city of Asayf which lay housed within the mountains of Tharsis. Surprisingly, there were already Uchikomimi's living in the streets there, like beggars; viewed by those who lived there as little better than thieves. He adapted to this new life as an urchin and began taking the smallest of things from merchants. A small copper coin here, an almond there or maybe even a fragment of pottery. As time went on the things he started to take got more precious and he became more bold. Soon he found other Uchikomimi's that acted in a similar manner to him and tried to bully him out of his possessions, but he fought back with a surprising ferocity, aided by his unusual mutation. The threshing tail he had hated on the farm proved to be a formidable weapon on the streets. It had become strong from all his labor.

One day he stole from a more perceptive merchant than most and a chase began through the crowded streets of Asayf. When the man had Fana Mimi cornered, Mimi lashed out at the man, smashing his hands into splinters which frightened the on lookers. He used the commotion to begin running again.  But now a whole crowd began to pursuit after seeing the violence of the small creature. Fearing for his life he kept running until he found a place he believed he could be safe. He eventually collapsed from exhaustion in the network of needle thin alleys that lay in the shadow of the Monastary of Indrani.

He lived off of scraps and refuse for days in those shadowed corridors and secret cut throughs. Until one day he was discovered by a monk who was also wandering those hidden pathways. At first Mimi was frightened, fearing this man would act as the crowd had. But instead the man smiled, a wicked grin, as if finding a prize he had long searched for. This monk had indeed seen the violence that Mimi could bring forth and was hoping to use that violence for his own needs.

He brought Mimi back to the Monastary, where he learned that the monks there were actually a grounds for assassins, who lived and trained in secret, carrying out the most dangerous of murders.


* Uses his tail to blugeon people to death or cause violent earthquakes. He is usually in his uchikomimi form because he finds it more stealthy. However, he will use his humanoid form if he feels the need to be taken seriously. He is considerably smaller than Marek in both forms (as are many deities when compared to their Guardians...).

* Thought to be what caused Uchikomimis to be "exterminated" in Lato because of certain events in his past within Caeladon regarding the Kipelski family's assassination. This led to the rise in population of Xuilings making Uchikomimis rare in the world.

* Believed to be the cause of the war which resulted in the split between Caeladon (North) and Tharsis (South). [May have made a deal with Kasimir (Caeladon's Black Knight to the young Chess), with the promise to end Chess's suffering but instead only brings about tragedy.]

* A fight between Fana Mimi and Kimos led to an event which thrust Mimi out from the deities' home and to have to flee from the other deities. Results in an everlasting grudge to weigh on Mimi.

* When Mimi was cast out from his home he eventually caught word of a rumor about a cursed temple within the local town he currently was taking refuge in. Originally the temple was used in worship to Adva Nahar, the former deity of the Seas and Wicked Justice who had long been killed by his Guardian, Kepi Indrani. He heard of a malicious entity that began to wreck havoc upon those that came near the temple causing him to grow curious about it. He sought out the temple one day to find a large ruinous structure that appeared to have been abandoned. There he decided to take a nap until dusk when a looming figure began to hover over his small form. Clearly there was no discretion in what the angered spirit killed. Unlike mortals, however Fana Mimi was not going to be made an easy target for the large wyrm. As the figure slithered closer and closed in on his prey, a strange realization occurred to him. The wyrm could not kill this one for some reason. Despite his efforts to pierce flesh with his legs it wouldn't sink in. The uchikomimi merely smirked and swiftly responded with his tail smashing the wyrm against the stone walls of the temple. "So you are the one everyone is making a fuss about..." And thus was the first meeting between the duodeos known as Marek and the deity uchikomimi known as Fana Mimi.

* When Fana Mimi made Marek his Guardian...