


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Wesley Nolan North

Is called







Marine Corps sergeant




Note: This character is featured in a story. To avoid spoiling the whole story, some (juicy) details are excluded from the bio and some given information is based on the character's point of view and can be misleading.
Note 2: The story is a work in progress, and nothing is certain yet.


Wes is 188 cm (6 ft 2 in) tall, fit and muscular man. His physical condition is excellent, he is strong and has a lot of stamina. He has a light, tanned skin and freckles. His hair is blond and short. His eyes are gray with a green circle around the pupil, and his eyelashes are light. Wes has all kind of small bruises and scars over his body, most noticeably a small scar on his right eyebrow's inner corner. His nose has broken once and he has a bump on it. He has cheek dimples.


Wes is an extroverted, easy-going, witty person. He talks and jokes a lot, but also listens what other needs to say. He is a natural leader, confident and charismatic, and he knows how to get people do what he wants. He uses his manipulation skill mostly on the field to get his squad give their best performance; he rarely uses people for his personal advantage. He is patient and can stay calm even in the direst situations, and he rarely loses his temper. He has an urge to be in control, which makes him extremely stubborn, and when he is willing to achieve something, he doesn't give up until he has succeeded.


This section is in progress.
Wes has lived for almost all his life in Minneapolis. He has two older and one younger sister, and overall his childhood was normal and safe. He grew up to be a confident young man, but he had no idea what he wanted to do for a living. After graduating from high school he did some odd jobs here and there, until he decided to enlist to the Marine Corps. Turned out he was great at his job and enjoyed his time on challenging missions, and eventually he got promoted to a sergeant. On his leaves he met Charlene, and after an unplanned pregnancy they got engaged, moved in together to Chicago and started making wedding plans. The life was starting to look quite good, but then Wes suddenly noticed that he was somehow taken to another universe against his will, and he had to find a way to get back home.

Except that people told him that it's impossible to get back home. Wes decided to play nicely to eventually find a way. He found out that he was in a country called New States, and that the society took good care of the people. His legalized guide to the new world, Eleanor Gray, promised to help him in any way she could. Wes' Marine background allowed him to get a higher rank job, and, with the assistance of his gloomy coworker Elias Sullivan, he started to find out very disturbing information about the new world...


Charlene Wright - fiancée
People in New States:
Eleanor Gray - the first mentor, a friend
Elias Sullivan - coworker
Vivian Jennings - coworker
Chelsea Hendricks - coworker
Breanna Smith - boss
Walter Hayes - the CEO of the company Wes works for


  • Created in 2018.
  • Has a noticeable North-Central accent.
  • Is a Protestant and believes in God, but is not really religious.
  • Likes classic heavy metal and can play drums.
  • Tells people that if he didn't enlist, he'd be a real estate broker.