Lawless Jack



4 years, 1 month ago


lawless jack
species Android
age N/A
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Bisexual
height 6'4
build Lithe and slim
job Outlaw/Bounty Hunter

designed by L-L-Adopts
species creator N/A
purchased from L-L-Adopts
value $45
trade/resell yes

  • Hat is not optional-must be worn in art
  • He's somewhat lanky
  • Not as shiny as he looks- more matte than chromatic
  • He holds a soft spot for children :)
  • Collects guns and tech
  • Will bite your fingers off if you try and touch the hat
  • Very good with a gun; a sharpshooter
  • -Doesn't really "sleep" but every so often needs to stop and charge for awhile

Basic description

A sharp shooting outlaw/bounty hunter who's become somewhat of a legend for his skills. he is notoriously sly and cunning, always two steps ahead of everyone else. Though his body is artificial, his brain is human. he doesn't know where he came from or why he was created. he struggles with this mystery and is prone to existential crises. Many consider him an unfeeling machine but he does have emotions, he just doesn't let them show.

Is a known outlaw, feared and respected among sheriffs and criminals alike. Cunning enough to evade capture but also sly enough to know when to sneak back into town. He's an incredible shot, so much so that he's made himself somewhat of a business being paid to take out people's enemies. Careful, though, if you do something he doesn't like, you may just be the nest person he puts a bullet in. Very volatile and can be extremely hostile if you get o his bad side.

Despite his somewhat modern appearance, Jack's been around a long, long time. He only really became known when he arrived out of nowhere, arriving on the back of an equally strange horse (coming soon), and shot the town mayor in the face. Whomever came after him quickly met the same fate, and as such, the town decided to stop sending men after him. Eventually, about 50 years down the track, the new sheriff, a young man, decided to spark up a reluctant friendship with the outlaw. Jack's horse was always cared for, he always had a place to stay, and nobody was being ordered to kill him. In return, jack protected the town from bandits and rogues that sought to harm the women and children of the town. The town became somewhat of a legend, known only as the Lawless town, and Jack's namesake now had meaning. He was known as Lawless jack due to his highly skewed morals and the violence he generally used when in a fight. Without his guns, he tends to simply snap the neck of his opposition, but he has been known to beat his enemies to death or strangle them.

header three

Although he's a bounty hunter, Jack does have some morals. He will not shoot or a woman, a child, or someone unable to fight back. Flimsy though they are, Jack follows these morals very closely, and refuses to break them. If ordered to break these rules of his, he will likely kill the one who told him to.

Jack likes to go to the nearest tavern and scout for possible targets or employers. Whilst drunk, men are at their weakest. Whether it be they spout useful information, names, money, or even piss Jack off enough to earn a bullet between their brows, generally he gets good things out of heading to them. It's always amusing when he heads into a new one and someone recognises him.

Credence Blackwood// Romantic partner/Best friend

Blackwood is Jack's only friend and his romantic partner-of sorts. They have an open relationship- neither of them are all that bothered if the other makes a move on a different person.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.

name// relationship

write a little bit about their relationship here. couple lines would be best.
