๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’” Celine Rosa Gonzalรฉs (๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’” Sparklenose)



3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Her parents were too protective of her, and she decided to run away with the circus

She is a dancer now, no longer with the circus

Dancing is her whole life, she loves it so much, for her not dancing is like not breathing

She loves Shanexxa a lot, even if they are pretty much opposites on personalities

She's very outgoing, and warm to everyone, but especially to Shane

One of her favorites passtimes is flying with her girlfriend, especially at night

She used to pretend she was a descendent of cleopatra when in the circus and still uses the headdress she used at that time



Name Celina Rosa Gonzรกles
Called Celly
Gender Cis Female
Pronouns She/her
Sexuality Pansexual
Age 23 years
Birthday January 7th
Occupation Dancer
Status Dating Shanexxa
Theme Song ???
Masterlist ???


Warm - Extroverted - Gentle

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