


4 years, 1 month ago


Vaerkrys "Vae" O'Sullivan
25 yrs :: They/Them :: 6'6" :: 271 lbs
Copper Dragonborn :: Paladin :: Lawful Good
Devoted to Bahamut

Campaign: Post-Apocalyptic world due to spells of gigantic magnitude that destroyed civilizations, as well as a zombie outbreak. It's been more than 200 years since the decline and not much is remembered.

+ Loyal, Honest, Protective
= Temper, Judgemental, Naive
Though they're lawful good, they don't always know what the 'laws' are and can even be easily persuaded that things that could be morally grey aren't bad. That said, things that they've already deemed 'evil' get no reprieve from them and doing bad things to evil people isn't wrong in their eyes. 


Born to a brewer of a father and a carpenter of a mother, Vaerkrys was raised in the O'Sullivan clan of the Hunter faction. This isn't something they try to bring up, because they're a bit embarrassed by it and also find enough difficulty being accepted by the Brotherhood as it is. Growing up among the Hunters, Vae was regarded as strange when they started showing interest in the literature of Bahamut. Being well aware of the faction's disinterest in gods, Vae did their best to keep their experiences of divine guidance from Bahamut a secret, but it was still obvious to the family that Vae was religious. When Vae was around 20 years old, their mother was killed in a drunken brawl that she often instigated. Seeking more meaning in their life, Vae made their inevitable choice to follow the path of the paladin and so Vae joined the Brotherhood, though they were disapproving in Vae's choice of god.

Vaerkrys was put under the supervision of Major Archbishop --- and he became a kind of father figure to Vae. The Brotherhood, however, tasked Vaerkrys with going to the south of the island of Roanapur to convert the cultists there, which was a mission of futility since everyone knew the cultists were followers of chaos and were mostly only interested in doing hard drugs. Basically had just been given a mission to go away. Upon teleportation to the southern area, Vae came across a band of cultists that they decided to try and convert. Luckily the cultists were too interested in partying to attack, but Vaerkrys got caught up in the drugs and wound up passed out.
