


4 years, 1 month ago


Name Benjamin Button
Species Rat
Age -
Height -
Gender Agender
Pronouns They / Him
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Farmer
Theme [song]

Status NFT/S
Designer dovalore
Worth -


Benjamin Button is a farmer who supplies many cuties with their fair share of food. He are also able to grow little friends that they call ' buttons ' but for fear that these little guys may get mistreated ( as it has happened in the past ) Benjamin keeps them all safe and cares for the little beings by himself.

Raised on a farm by his folks who have left him with the entirety of their vast acres when they moved along in life, Benjamin has made it his sole purpose in life to care for every single inch of the land and leave not a single bit of it unkempt. His diligence and commitment to the farm have kept it exceptionally tidy and prosperous all throughout the years, and he intends to keep it this way for as long as he can.

Nunc vel viverra eros. Aliquam nibh diam, mollis et est in, imperdiet condimentum lorem. Cras quis nisi laoreet, cursus arcu at, vulputate ante. Mauris tincidunt ligula ultricies metus euismod, eu mattis justo faucibus. Vestibulum interdum blandit tortor placerat porta. Mauris eu mauris metus. Nullam id massa id quam imperdiet vehicula. Morbi luctus neque et purus malesuada pretium. Integer pulvinar et justo ac lacinia. Sed et rutrum ante. Nam ut viverra tellus, sed luctus leo. Pellentesque bibendum dui neque, vitae venenatis quam blandit vitae. Sed ut diam nec velit ultrices eleifend non id ante. Nam quis tortor consequat, ultricies diam a, lobortis arcu. Maecenas egestas nec ipsum quis hendrerit. Nullam ut velit sit amet eros pellentesque laoreet.