


4 years, 1 month ago


  • rush

  • age 25
  • gender male
  • race human
  • role slasher
  • theme

Where are • You going • So fast, Main Character?

Have you ever had a moment where you looked at your best friend and thought, what would my life be like if we ran away together, eloped? Would I be happy? Would they be happy? Would we be well off? Well, even if you haven't, Rush has. You, the player of the game, are his best friend and he adores you. You are everything important to him and there's nobody else like you out there. Okay, maybe you're not the player of the game and maybe you're someone new meeting him. That's just fine, eventually you'll be good friends and he'll show a soft spot for you. He's great with people, after all, and he won't stop mysteriously showing up until you let him in your wonderful, beautiful life.

Charismatic and doting, he'll forever hold you close to his heart. If that doesn't work, then he'll make sure something works so that you can be intertwined. You'll find you can't ever get away from him because he'll always be standing in the light of the street's lamp as you drive away, waiting for your inevitable return. In some strange sense, you might be able to appreciate the sentiment. He was caring, and he does have you in his best interest, always prioritizing you above himself. Maybe you really could be...


Just don't ever try to leave him.

 "So, do I pick you up coke or pepsi?" 


buildslender, but toned


s.o. (???)

dobnovember 13th

sign scorpio

originlexington, MA

occupation roomate

mbti content

demeanor relaxed, and easily amused

tarot content

element $$$

other content

theme $$$


  • indie music or music that came from the 80s. they're both good to him, but he has a slight preference to the former
  • he likes the company of people he's known since he was younger. there's something about reminiscing that's cathartic
  • the feeling of limerence and the bubbly sensation it gives. infatuation makes him feel empowered and like there's purpose in life 
  • learning theater was a great time in his life and he thinks fondly of it. he doesn't care for actual plays, he just likes the ability to be able to perform


  • alcoholics who have no sense of self awareness and don't want to get help for themselves
  • when someone he likes..finds out they like someone else better. he would never show it, but it's a huge bummer and damper to his otherwise cheerful mood
  • when conversations become too philosophical. he thinks about those things too much in his own time, he'd rather not do it with someone else when the time could be more thrilling
  • awkward moments that people insist on carrying on. he can break the ice easily, but if it's fought against, it grows very frustrating 

Fun facts

  • He has a baseball on the inside of his wrist with the number 13 on it
  • One of his ears are pierced, the token gay ear. Which one is it? We just don't know
  • He knows practically everything and everyone. Need a friend? He's your guy

This or that

Morning or late night: Late night
Sun or moon: Moon
Space or ocean: Ocean
Black or white: Black
Hot drink or cold drink: Warm
Introvert or extrovert: Middle
Indoors or outdoors: Indoors
Past or future: Past
Halloween or Christmas: Halloween
Religion or spirituality: Spirituality
Television or games: Television
Making food or getting fast food: Fast food
Cat or dog: Dog


Due to my attempt to be ambiguous and not spoil too much about him in the case we do ever finish Head Over Heels, I will keep this short. Rush is very, very gay. 



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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