


4 years, 1 month ago


Rodwell University's resident jock and ice hockey champion!  

New World dragons are a rare gem, and Rodwell University never misses an opportunity to flaunt their own unparalleled uniqueness in the form of Cole Brigid, the campus' big beefy athlete, as well as the coveted owner of an athletic full ride.  This startling jock is occasionally referred to as Basher by the unlucky few that's met him head-on on the ice and doesn't hold back, unless it somehow makes him look better in the long run

Cole is 80% athletic cockiness and 100% asshole that takes personality advice from bad Hallmark movie villains.  Since he thinks eating, drinking, and sleeping around count as core personality types, he hasn't gotten far in terms of relationships of any kind.  The only one who's stuck around long enough to peek underneath the surface is Koda, but that's only because they've spent enough nights together now to somehow count as unstable confidants