Lodeyr's Comments

hm maybe they gonna have name like God of Zodiac signs or God of Nightmares?? :0

That's cool!! But I actually have planned a design for the God of Nightmares xD
I'm not sure if Zodiac signs would fit into their world since they have like different beliefs and stuff like that
I haven't worked much on their world/story yet, but maybe it would be nice to include something similar! :p

oh okay! xD

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It isn't any species
I don't really know what kind of creature he is xD

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X'D Yess

If ur taking suggestions, maybe the God of Souls??

I like the idea!! It's probably going to be that if I can't think on anything else xD

Oooh okay! There’s one more but I’m not so sure on it but it sounded cool, maybe something like, God Of The Trinity?, there could be a backstory of some sort where this one being can split into 3 divine spirits at will and merge back into one body form

ooh that'd be cool :o I think it would fit more with it

At first it was supposed to be the one that "oversees" the world, that's why so many eyes lol

But since in the story there are 3 different worlds/realms, with the trinity form he could exist in the 3 worlds at once >:D

asdfgjkshdgf thanks for the suggestions though!!

No problem!! I think the story u could make with this character would be really cool to see!!