Thomas Bauer



4 years, 25 days ago


-5'5", 19 

-Shut in Digital Artist, runs a Tumblr Page where he posts Art and Comics 

-Very spiteful, Despises his family for calling him worthless due to his frail body and tendency to sunburn hilariously easily, as well as looking very different, leading to him being bullied in school and generally "causing trouble because he's a cursed child" 

-Turns to gaming as another coping mechanism and ends up addicted to acting as Tom Foolery, the character he created

Thomas' human self, before he is transferred into the video game he plays. 

Thomas is docile, but only because he bottles in his feelings and refuses to lash out. Because of this, he's irritable and spiteful, and though he wishes harm upon his family, he will not be the one to carry it out. Instead, he buries himself in his classwork, artwork, and any other excuse not to interact with them. When he found the video game he'd later be forced to live inside of, he found that by roleplaying as someone else - one of his characters - he felt far more alive than he ever had before.

However, when he's forced to be Tom Foolery, he realized that he had little to no control over his impulses because of the way he wrote Tom's character, and thus, is forced to hurt others even when he'd rather continue his routine of bottling his feelings inside. He isn't sure how to feel - he loves the power and freedom that comes with being Tom, but that power and freedom comes at the price of hurting those around him.