Vriska Nightbane



4 years, 28 days ago



genuine . aggressive . familial

Name Vriska Nightbane
Called Vris
Age Early 30's
DoB 04/20
Gender Cis Female
Race Elf
Height 5'8"
Build Trim
Demeanor Aggressive


  • Games of Chance
  • Animals
  • Rain & Snow
  • Weaponry


  • Heat
  • Sour Food
  • Moths
  • Cheats


It's very hard to look at Vriska the first time and find something memorable. You'd have to catch her in conversation.

Covered head to toe in well-worn black leathers and furs, if she isn't wearing a hood and a mask, the first noticeable thing would be her eyes. Her left eye is a dark crimson, very faintly glowing. This eye is blind. Her other, working eye, lacks the fel green tint of the blood elves, but instead is an azure blue.

Her skin is pale, almost unhealthily so. Lack of exposure to sunlight, both by her armor choice and her living situation, has kept her skin nearly as light as a porcelain doll. Her beautiful skin has not escaped injury, however.

On the left side of her face is a horrific burn. The entire side of her face has been burnt, the scarring continuing down her neck, across her shoulder, and down her left arm to the elbow. The scar is a darker tone than the rest of her skin, and easily noticeable.

On her right arm is a stylized crest bearing the sigil of the Frostwolf orcs, though no other tattoos can be seen.

Her hair is pitch black and awfully thick, cascading down past her buttocks. Giving off a silky sheen, it's a wonder she's able to keep it inside whatever hood she wears. Recently, she's acquired a braid on the right side of her head, just in front of her ear. The braid is tied off with a piece of wrapped leather, adorned with a single wolf pup's fang.

Wearing her heart and emotions on her sleeve, Vris makes no effort to conceal what she's feeling if there isn't a reason to.

A lover of jokes, puns and most sorts of humor, she can usually be made to smile with a dumb joke or two.

Nothing in the world is more important to her than her family. No, not her parents. Her orcish mate, Aahz, his wolf Frostbite and her own still-growing pup, Snowfang, make up that which she would die for.


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