


7 years, 5 months ago



Let's eat together, everyone!

Go to: Basics, Design, Personality, Story, Relationships, Trivia


Stephen "Sven" Driscoll
24 human years
Male, Alpha

23 December
Hunter of the pack
FE:If Hisame

Stephen, more commonly called Sven by his peers, is a one of the few alphas born in a warewolf pack called Mitternacht. Despite not being the direct descendant of the pack's alpha, he was said to be the successor to continue the glory of their clan.


A bit pale

body type

Sven has sharp blue eyes that would often make him look more intimidating than he actually is. His tail and ears are very fluffy to the touch despite him not really caring about his appearance that much. He also has sharp canine teeth.


Despite his outward appearance, Sven is a cheerful and energetic, albeit naive wolf that loves his pack dearly. He enjoys being around the pups and playing with them while their parents are busy with their own thing. He has a natural curiosity of the world around him, always excited to find new things that he hadn't knew before. He's in every way a great hunter, but his natural affection for small animals held him back from being seen as a worthy candidate for their pack's next alpha.

Sven is not very adaptable to new environment as he spent most of his time in the same place he was born in. He would dwell on the past and refused to let go of the memories he held dear in his heart. He also could be quite stubborn, especially if it's involving the pack's safety. He would run straight to any danger if it meant protecting his family.

Fragrant flowers
The sounds of birds' chirping
Cow meat

Herb plants
Being alone


Sven is the to-be alpha warewolf of his clan, Mitternacht. He was seen as far too naive and inexperienced by many of the elder wolves, but he persevered and lived his life to its fullest.


Sven was born in a clan of warewolves that had settled many generations ago in the depth of an untouched forest. His father Fillian was the pack alpha's right hand man, while his mother Lovetta was the head sentinel of the pack. His birth was celebrated with great rejoice from the pack members, happy that their pack had born an alpha after producing many betas and omegas over the years. He was pampered and cared for by many, and grew up happily by his peers.

Things quickly went south when Sven's mother got casted out of the pack for attacking the clan's beta, Sven's own father, out of jealousy. Sven was led to believe that his mother was just finding excuses to get rid of her mate, but the young pup later found out his father was indeed caught in an affair with their pack's alpha, Rolfe. He bravely confronted his father, and his father profusely apologized and made sure that his precious, adorable little pup was never to be exposed to such uncomfortable situations ever again.


Growing up under the protection of his two "fathers", Sven led a carefree and childlike life. He liked to play with the pups and went hide-and-seek in the forest, he liked chasing down small animals (which later he would let free after apologizing and making sure they're okay), he liked running around and rolling around in the dirt, everything that made his tail fluff up in happiness. The pups loved him and would often prefer to sleep in his den rather than their parents'.

While Sven was happily living his life, the elder wolves who had watched him since he was born and grow into a full adult wolf was beginning to get restless. Rolfe refused to be mated with anyone but Sven's father, so there was no direct heir to be chosen as the pack's next alpha. Many had tried their hardest appeasing the alpha of their pack, but no avail as he announced that he already made up his mind. His step son was to be the next alpha and nobody could change his decision. Sven soon figured out that being backstabbed and shoved around by the people around him that he had grown to love hurt more than a slash of a bear's claws. His friends started avoiding his presence, the elders started to whisper malicious rumours, and no adults would take him seriously.


Sven was still the same old happy-go-lucky wolf that he always had been, but he grew a great distrust to the wolves that had hurt him in the past. He picked up the role as a hunter thanks to his dexterity and keen eyesight, and many agreed to his decision. The wolves that was aiming to be the next alpha laughed at him as they took on the role of the pack's sentinels and scouts, proving their worth to the pack's alpha. Sven let them had their laughs and mean remarks as he went on with his life, caring for the pups and finding preys for his pack.



Sven cherished and loved his father dearly. Despite the event that Fillian brought into their lives when Sven was still a small pup, the young wolf forgave him with all his heart.


Sven held a great degree of respect for his pack's alpha, often idolizing him and doing everything that he was asked to just to get praise. Rolfe loved Sven like his own son, even trusting him to take his place in the event of his passing.


Sven always remembered his mother as a powerful figure, but couldn't exactly recall what her face and scent was like. The only thing that he could be sure of was the huge, scary-looking scar that ran down her left eye.


Hates the sounds of thunders, so when it started to rain he usually would immediately go back home.

The expert of hide and seek. No pups in the pack could ever hide well enough.

Prefer to roam around the forest when he was having negative thoughts.

Went outside the forest once when he was rebelling against the elders; he was later found by Rolfe hiding in a burrow because he felt scared of "the new weird scent" outside of the forest.

Has a really keen sense of smell.