Ashton Sawyer



4 years, 14 days ago


Quick Summary: Death in human form. Sort of weird. Likes holding his hands up like a bunny in front of him. Smiles in an off way. Always has a black dog with him.

Name: Ashton Sawyer

Hair Color: Black/Dark Gray

Eye Color: Pure White, no pupils or irises

Personality: Strange, really odd. Unpredictable. Can go from confused to serious in a blink of an eye, but is usually pretty cheerful. Excitable. Likes to hum to himself a lot and sing songs in languages long since past. 

Physical Description: Lanky, thin, with skin almost white. His eyes are large. Hair is cut choppily in the back and falls over his face (in modern outfit his hair is held up in a messy off-set ponytail high on his head). There's something not quite 'right' about him, but it's hard to put a finger on what...

Usually Wears: A long sleeve v-neck black shirt with the sleeves covering his hands, long dark gray pants, black dress shoes, and a maroon wrap around his waist. Wears a pair of cross earrings. His entire body from his neck down is wrapped in white bandages. Also favors kimonos, pink and flowery. (eventually updates his wardrobe with a long sleeved black and white striped shirt (super loose and the sleeves are too long) and light denim shorts. there's no bandages in this outfit)