Aspyn (Ash)



4 years, 20 days ago


  • Aspyn

  • age 21
  • gender female
  • race thessira
  • wanted number #069
  • theme

zealous • methodical • obnoxious

#069 Wanted Criminal

Aspyn is a intergalactic contract killer. She is hired by elite to kill other elite. She is placed #069 in the wanted list, since her job is nerve-racking but doesn't happen too much. Her prices are quite high, and she isn't always available.

Earth is a great planet to hang by sometimes, considering humans are naïve and don't know about extraterrestrial beings. Also it's the only place that has delicious fancy strawberry milkshakes!

Her connections to criminals #003(Agni) and #217(Cedric) are of friends. They help each other(criminally) sometimes, and they also give rides when needed. Although Aspyn says their relationship is only professional, they are friends and like hanging around each other.

"What has to be done will be done."

height 167cm

build slim

pronouns she/her

sexuality lesbian

dob june 9th

sign gemini

origin thessiria

occupation contract killer

mbti ISTJ

demeanor obnoxious, ironic

tarot The Hierophant (+reversed)

element wood

designer Kuma-Pinkuma

value $105


  • strawberry milkshake
  • mock cedric
  • getting paid
  • punk music


  • 70%+ cocoa chocolate
  • commander yvian
  • seawater
  • being played

Early Life

[ T B A ]


[ T B A ]



[ relationship ] Kind of best friends, Aspyn likes to mock on Cedric as much as she can, mostly because he is not so wanted like she or Agni are. Despite the mocking, Cedric is always the one Aspyn goes to if she needs romantic advice or if she needs shelter for some time, after all, he's the only one who has a ship. It used to be a relationship based only on interest but they grew to be good friends, incredibly.



[ relationship ] Although Aspyn thinks Agni is an airhead most of the time, it's agreeable that she might actually be a genius. No wonder she's #003, one of the most dangerours people in the universe. Even if Agni is a human, she has earned Aspyn's respect and even a tiny bit of admiration over time by proving how well-schemed her stupid plans are.



[ relationship ] Aspyn's nemesis. Aspyn is always being chased by Yvian in the most annoying ways possible. No doubts Yvian would be dead if she didn't have so many security around her. She may be one of the best commander and detective in ages, but Aspyn is also one of the bests in what she does. How long will this mouse and rat game keep going?

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