[Mothcat] Maddie



4 years, 12 days ago


Name Madeleine
Species Standard Mothcat
Age Teenager
Height 9cm
Gender Cis Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Painter
Theme TBA

Masterlist MC-1558
Designer Pidge

Antennae Swirly
Ears Classic
Mane Leafy
Wings Round
Tail Bob
Eyes Classic
Pupils Round
Coat Standard
Applied Transparency (Wings)

A devious and mischevous cat, Maddie is infamous on the island for her paintings; you'd expect a young artist to be respected and loved, well whilst Maddie is loved, her art and methods are not. She does your traditional paintings, oils on canvas, watercolour on bristol board; but she won't limit her art to paper or canvas! She's set up face painting stations on the fly for lil mothkittens who want to look like a big scary tiger or shark and even dabbling in graffitti, putting up great murals on walls that look just a little bit empty. She can act up sometimes but she just wants to make the world more pretty one brushstroke at a time!