Luna πŸŒ™



7 years, 5 months ago


Luna Eilhart

[ looking for: connections, customers ]

Β β€’ Lady Of The Woods β€’ Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β 
❯ Profile
NameLuna Eilhart
AliasThat bitch; Witch! ; Lady of The Woods
AgeQuite unsure
Height1,50m w/o horns
SubspeciesStardasher (woods)
Relationship Status-

❯ Professional STatus
OCCUPATIONYour current witch 'friend' - For a modest sum she can grant your deepest and darkest wishes
Strong PointsFast learner | Incredible good memory
Weak pointsMentally unstable
hobbyDwelling in herbology and alchemy


❯ Summary

Articulate | Charming | Cultured | Mischievous | Subtle | Shrewd | Dominant | Apathetic | Cruel | Resentful

"Luna, tu che conosci il tempo dell'eternitΓ "

It's said Luna was cursed at birth, being born during the 'wrong' lunar period. As a child Luna already showed off traits of cruelty with other young local dashers. It began with little pranks, at first judged innofensive and natural from the youngling, but those became more and more recorrent and serious within time until the break point when she lead the younger child of a neighbor to muder their own brother merely with her elloquent words - claiming she absolutely saw the future and in her vision their older brother would definetely kill them during sleep. Maybe it was innerent of her curse or maybe it was revenge for most of the time being casted away for the very same reason. Either way the final result was the same: more and more Luna discovered herself inclined to magic, as the years gone by her skills growing stronger without much effort and instead of playing outside she'd rather staying indoors to read any kind of magic book she might put her hand on - stealing from locals or travaler merchants.

It was a day to remember when she first read about those said forbidden magic. Controlling time, death and life always sounded appealing and out of those death certainly was the most interesting. Soon after Luna disapeared from her village, never to be seen by the local folk again.

Through many years she traveled around Jo'Arca, studying forbidden magic. She'd make use of anyone for a shelter and protection, though the latter she played off more like the fragile type than she actually was. Luna never stayed too long in a single place until she found herself fixing residence in the depths of the dense boreal forest of the Spirits Alcove.

After a long time she'd make enough money to keep herself and learned enough about Life and Death magic to call herself a master in such.

Sometimes called witch, Lady of the Woods or a devious heartless bitch, Luna is fairly famous under the covers for her magic skills and will work for anyone willing to pay her the right sum to cast a curse on an unpleasant neighbor, maybe drive a child's illness away, bring a beloved one back from the dead. It's on the customer's call, provided they're ready to deal with the consequences of their choices.

❯ appearance

Petit body, thin and fragile looking. Long ears, hair long with front bangs tied back with the rest. High antlers nesting life gems.

Notable traits: Bloom flower antlers and tail (White Clematis), fluffy arms, bushy hooves, multi gem.

❯ Likes
  • A satisfied customer
  • Easy jobs which she can price high
  • The deepest side of the woods
  • Forbidden magic
❯ Dislikes
  • Poor customers
  • Cry babies
  • The gods. All of them.
❯ Trivia
  • It's said Luna is a very, very old spirit in Jo'Arca and she has been fooling death with her magic skills despite her ever so youthful appearance;
  • She's mostly disguised as a simple apothecary, though those who want to know will definetely find her for her services;
  • Luna smells of jasmine and lilies;
❯ Relationships
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