


7 years, 10 months ago


★ Bianca ★

Stoic ☆ Unimpressed ☆ Distant

"Either speak up or get lost. I have better things to do than babysit."


Name || Bianca
Alias || Sir Bianca
Gender || Female
Age || 31
Species || #635 Hydreigon
Kingdom || Valet
Class || Wyvern Knight
Mount || Diana (Female Wyvern) [Dya-na]
Height || 6'0" // 182.9 cm
Orientation || Uninterested
Occupation || Retainer of King Jean
Status || Single and ready to fight
Voice || ---
Theme || ---

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☆ About

A stoic woman who glares down men twice her size for fun. There's a thirty percent chance she isn't secretly planning how to stab you in the face on any given day.

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☆ Personality

⚔ Silent ⚔ Indifferent ⚔ Gray morals ⚔ Self-serving ⚔ Ruthless ⚔ Honour bound ⚔ Realistic ⚔ Wary ⚔ Determined ⚔

Bianca is realistic, refusing to entertain fanciful thoughts and acting quick to shut them down. She's not at all considerate of feelings, blunt and to the point in all matters. She absolutely detests waste, her life on the streets having taught her to take what she needs without hesitation and never give. She's horrible at empathy and kindness, used to acting out of selfish need, and tends to view everything and everyone as a potential threat until she has reason to believe otherwise. She has an aggressive nature, partly due to her Hydreigon genes, and she isn't exactly opposed to getting involved in a tussle if someone else starts it. When she's not being angry and unfriendly, she's calm but still pretty unfriendly.

When it comes to the king's orders, Bianca will follow them almost without question. She respects those with power, but only if they prove that they know how to use it. As the king has demonstrated that he does, Bianca isn't too concerned by how dirty the task may be. That being said, she will speak up if she has a problem with the task, and that's usually only if she finds it to be a useless endeavour. She has no qualms against going off-script either, so long as the end result is the same, and isn't bothered by any repercussions that may come along with it.

Overall, Bianca is someone who only serves herself. She doesn't care so much about having power, she just wants to survive whatever happens.


★ Silence
★ Tea in the evening
★ Fighting and sparring
★ Solitude
★ When the king is actually serious and not flirting with her


☆ Her time being wasted
☆ Daydreamers
☆ Cowards
☆ Idiots who don't know how to take advantage of what they have
☆ People in general, honestly

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☆ Story Summary

♠ Grew up on the streets, the child of a prostitute and one of her mother's clients.
♠ Raised to be strong and independent, her mother not wanting her to be in the same industry.
♠ Bianca stole for her survival, be it money or food.
♠ Paid someone to falsify her documents to get into the military under a false name.
♠ Was discovered by Inaki, but was aided instead of reported.
♠ Became the king's retainer alongside Inaki.


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☆ Miscellaneous


» Emotions are... tricky for Bianca. She doesn't understand why anyone who acts based on feelings, finding herself distant more often than not in that regard. She doesn't find any pleasure in companionship and conversation, oftentimes shunning it in favor of silence and solitude.
» Her wyvern, Diana, is aloof. Like rider like dragon, it seems. Bianca is the only one who can approach without being growled at. For the most part though, Diana seems content to ignore those around her.

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☆ Relationships



[ Her King ]
"Blessing or curse... Whatever you wish for me to be, I will."
The man she's sworn her life to protect. To say that Bianca is loyal... wouldn't exactly be true. She is loyal, but only because of the power Jean has. She respects him, and has no intention to betray him lest he give her reason to doubt his abilities. Where his flirtations used to annoy her to no end, she's more or less used to them now. Both are aware she's of more use to him than a mere bed-warmer, and so she has no qualms rejecting him outright each time. Whatever his plans are, Bianca will follow so long as she comes out the other end alive.


[ Her... Friend? ]
"... What is wrong with you?"
One of two people she tolerates and only because she sees him on a daily basis. Inaki is the sunshine to Bianca's shadow, happily taking the spotlight so that Bianca can step back and observe from the edges. He's idealistic and positive, and Bianca finds it ridiculous and irritating. She doesn't understand why he cares so much about literally everything, or where on earth he finds the time to do it. She also doesn't understand why she's included on his list of Things To Care About. Basically, he's a giant question mark. A useful question mark, but a question mark nonetheless. To say that she cares about him would be a stretch... but she does have a slightly higher tolerance for him than most people. Just a little bit.


[ ___ ]

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