
Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: May 1

Hair color: Orange

Eye color: Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Personality: Brutal, tough, strong

Loves: A good challenge

Hates: Cheaters

    Born in a village, near a river but surrounded by sand/desert, one of a small handful of villages in the desert. When she was young, she took many of the jobs that were probably difficult for someone her age, but completed them none the less and got the reputation of soon to become the strongest girl who lived. Sadly, her time of peace soon came to an end when people ransacked her village, killing some of the adults and anyone left alive was soon going to be sold to slavery. Some were sold as farmers, sex slaves, and cheap workers, she and a handful of others were taken to the City of Porca, one of the cities and stopping points before heading further out, to be sold as a gladiator. She was soon trained for their arenas and coliseums, which were mainly for entertainment for the on-lookers.