


7 years, 4 months ago


  • Inigo "Zwei" Arachni

  • Age 24(?)
  • Gender Male
  • Race Human-Spider Hybrid
  • Role Mafia Underboss
  • Affinity ???

"Oh! You're early. Shall we get going?"

As one that has an admiration for his own face, he turns into a bit of a playboy when people comment about his looks. He gives off the impression that he's never serious even when he actually is until you do something to anger him, which he then will pull a straightlaced or irritated face. Most of the times he will welcome you with open arms, however, be forewarned that underneath his mask he's constantly calculating if you are a potential foe; two-faced and unmerciful.

He also doesn't appear to look the most intelligent since he is mostly just smiling and all, but is incredibly observant to his surroundings and uses his apparent airheadedness to his advantage. His loyalty towards Adelaide is strong, and he won't take orders from anyone else unless they have no general impact.


DoB: ???
Nicknames: ???
Origin: ???
Height: 6'3"
Build: Muscular lean
Demeanor: Airheaded
  • Adelaide
  • Dancing
  • Himself
  • Abusers
  • When something upsets Adelaide
  • Swindlers




Overseeing business conducted at the casino, Inigo continues to keep a watchful eye on both employees, customers, and other mafia members. Whatever will appease Adelaide best, is what Inigo will strive to fulfill.

My Old Home, the Lab

The first, clearest memory he has was looking around in a white room, along with some other children presumably around his age. Not knowing his purpose of being there other than to be tested on with strange objects and awful injections, he took whatever moment to observe anything out of the ordinary or other small details that were changed to cure his boredom and frustrations of seclusion. His only other joy was when one of the researchers referred to as "Mama" took the extra time to read them a book or teach them some basic skills in math or writing.

One day, something dawned onto him. He slowly noticed that the children were dwindling in numbers, with new children to replace them. These children, like himself and his former brothers and sisters, were either a mix of human or humans with odd abnormalities to widely varying degrees. He later concluded that, if he were to stay in this lab "forever", he'd be following in the footsteps of his former siblings.

He decided to run away from this lab. From whatever knowledge he could obtain and remember as he went in and out of rooms for testing and rehabilitation, he used one of the lady scientists to his advantage learn more about the layouts of the lab. Overhearing gossip whenever he could while he was conscious, he eventually learned that there was finally a chance for him to escape, and took it. Remorse of leaving his siblings behind was something that could have pained him, but knew that all of them in the lab were like sitting ducks - they wouldn't move on their own unless someone led them, and escaping with a group larger than three could spell bad news. Besides, Inigo was one of the eldest children there due to his abnormal bodily functions and immunity, so it really was only him that would have best made it out alive.


Out in the streets, he soon realized that he was different. Far, far too different. It was normal to see at least 70% of the children in the lab with abnormal features, so he had simply assumed that everyone else was also just as strange in the outside world. He learned that if he didn't understand the new culture, trends, and ways of survival fast enough, he wouldn't make it. So, he decided to use his abilities to get what he needed to survive to the next day.

A year or two later, he bumped into a young lady who decided to take him in, seeing how ragged his clothing was and his "poor" condition. He questioned whether this lady actually didn't fear the experiment that he was, but he started to feel something else while under her care. The lady herself realized how smart he was and urgently wanted him to learn everything that he could, giving him lots of books and other resources, which he took great advantage of.

She disappeared one day. She didn't come home for a long while, and this new feeling inside him had started to develop. After meeting her, he started to learn how emotions worked, how it interacted with other individuals, and how to deal and communicate them. Eventually, he realized that the emotion he was feeling was some sort of sadness, perhaps abandoment, even. She always warned him to never wander too far from home as her job wasn't particularly the most ethical, but her bigger concern was Inigo's casual display of his monster-like features. Because of that, he never really attempted to search for her, even when he had wanted to. Deciding to move on as he determined that she wouldn't be coming back, he left the small home.

Back on the streets, he learned new techniques to steal without being noticed, instead of harming others like he had done in the past. This led to him to studying his victims, taking wallets and other prized or valuable possessions, and being able to deduce what was useful and what wasn't. One day, he stole from a couple while on a busy street and had almost gotten away with it. He wasn't sure how they found him out, but he found out that it wasn't worth the fight and gave the wallet back, half assing his response to say that "he wouldn't do it again" (to them, anyway). Impressed by how he could have slipped past both of them for an item that was on their bodies, they asked if he wanted to join their group. Under the impression that this "group" was more that it seemed, he took up the offer. He was 13 years old by that time.


His sensitivity to pain in messed up; sometimes he'll feel something, but sometimes he won't hours later. The most sensitive parts of his body are his fingers, which is why he will sometimes adorn a pair of gloves to cover them when making contact with individuals. He has fairly nimble fingers and likes to play card tricks though, so gloves give an extra grip-and-slip type feel.

He cannot hide the two eyes to the side of his forehead, and therefore uses his hair to cover them. He has multiple eyes all over his body, as well as appendages that he can pull out from his back.

LOVES to take selfies with others or himself. He feels it should be quite obvious that he likes how he looks now, and wants to relish in the moment as he was fairly unkept in his youth.

Likes to crossdress and had learned to raise and maintain his voice. Loves to fool people when crossdressing too, despite his height. He also likes to dress others up. His tastes are up to date and his choices will never mock the individual.

A very good dancer, for either dancer position. His height makes him a great leader when it comes to paired dancing.

Style: TBA
