


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Seismi Saur


Nightlight, Creakers






167 lbs


5ft 10in


Drink-Inspired Kemonomimi

Animal Type:

Saltwater Crocodile




Tonic Water







Seismi is a character in a group on dA known as "Kemonomimi-Cafe."



Protective, Focused, Careful, Respectful
During a first encounter with another, Seismi will most likely treat them respectfully until the other person loosens up around him as to prevent them from being uncomfortable around him. He will adapt as soon as the other does. It is normal for him to be protective by nature around seemingly fragile people or creatures... he does his best to be preventative as to avoid danger. Although he may not be all that careful with his words when provoked, he is usually careful with his actions, and will keep important objectives in mind.

Emphatic, Unbiased
If it comes down to defending someone verbally, he can be quite expressive with his words and mannerisms. His actions are usually what make his threats seem effective, or at least he thinks so. He also expresses what he likes with great energy. Seismi is most likely to accept others' beliefs and way of doing things unless he thinks it may hurt them in some way.

Excessive, Lethargic, Suspicious, Reserved
When it comes to what he thinks might be best for someone, he can be excessive and stubborn in his doings. Although he usually has the energy to yell and emphatically threaten, his adrenaline doesn't last long and usually makes him feel sluggish. At times, this sluggish feeling can make him feel as if he needs to be more aware, and that's when he will start suspecting things that may be hard to believe. He is generally withdrawn when it comes to his family and history. It takes a lot of trust for him to open up in that way. He doesn't want to be seen as a bad person.





:bulletyellow:Crunchy foods and snacks
:bulletyellow:The smell of plants and other greens
:bulletyellow:Justifying others' fairness
:bulletyellow:Being adventurous and having fun... but only with others


:bulletyellow:Having to actually fulfill a threat
:bulletyellow:Not being appreciated for good doings
:bulletyellow:Not feeling safe enough during the night
:bulletyellow:Opening up about his past or family
:bulletyellow:Small children...





Childhood wasn't a walk in the park when being born into the family of a gang leader. Seismi had been forced to grow up fast, as his father was more concerned with causing trouble in the streets rather than supporting Seismi as a parent. His father only involved himself into Seismi's life by mentoring him, attempting to teach Seismi about the malicious ways of causing chaos among other territories and people.

Because Seismi was forcefully involved in his father's troubles, he had to keep aware of his surroundings on a daily basis, as he became a target by other gangs and forces that opposed his father and teams. This caused Seismi to develop a bit of paranoia, making him incredibly aware. Even though he was part of his father's gang, whenever he was confronted with problems, he usually chose flight over fight, and if he couldn't run, he would do his best to fight them with words until he could scare them off, which rarely worked for him. It usually ended up in a case where he would go home with a few bruises or so.

As Seismi grew, he started questioning why he had to live such a criminal life. He wanted to get out of it, knowing it was going to be hard. Once you do bad, it's hard for others to see the good in you. That still concerns him.

He had never known his mother, as his father never mentioned her. When he asked his father about her, Seismi was told that she had been in the military. She was strong, patient, and the polar opposite of his father. Seismi was never told about how his parents supposedly "fell in love." His father felt no reason to tell him, for she had died four years after Seismi had been born.

After he grew older, Seismi was able to find more information about his mother and her death by finding his mother's side of the family and looking through news articles and other public files. As it turns out, his mother had been his father's way into getting higher levels of protection because of her work. His father worked years to break her walls, and told her that he really was as a higher level gang leader thanks to her work that he had been sneaking in on. Seismi's father told his mother this after Seismi had been born. His mother had then become broken as a person for being used. She then decided to break away from his father, but she was not able to bring her son with her, as Seismi's father threatened that he would kill the child if she ever tried.

For the first three years of Seismi's life, his father had used him as a way to manipulate his mother until she had finally decided to stand up for herself by taking the character's father into court... so she could love and care for her child. Agitated, the father humiliated Seismi's mother by announcing her cooperation with his gang and many others, which wasn't true, forcefully ended her career. Soon after, she was found to be shot dead in her home by someone who had been pin-pointed in another gang... when really, it was Seismi's father that hired someone to kill her so he wouldn't get his hands dirty.

When Seismi found out that his mother had been abused and killed by his father, he deserted his father completely, infuriated that his father took away the possibility of having a better, moral-driven life with his mother instead of being forced to cause chaos with his father. When he left, he stayed with his mother's family for a few months, until one day he saw a few of his father's gang members hanging around the town that the character had resided in. That's when he knew that if he were to stay with his mother's family, he would put them in danger of having something happen to them... so without a word, Seismi packed his things and left them, hoping they wouldn't have to suffer because of him.

After leaving his family, he turned to trying to be a strong, independent person like his mother had been. Seismi wanted to be strong for her, he wanted his mother to be proud of him, and know that he was going to be okay- wherever she was. This caused him to become protective. In the small town that he had decided to settle in for the time being, he would greatly defend anyone who he felt was getting treated poor and unfairly, to an extent of threatening the bad-doers. Although many people in the town had come to appreciate and respect him for what he did, his threats towards the others were too extreme, and they began to fear that he could possibly do something unforgivable if he were to snap. Instead of communicating with Seismi about this, they shunned him.

This made him feel like he was being treated wrong for what he had done for them, and started to grow angry at the people and their ungrateful actions, his bit of paranoia started to act up as well, until a small child had approached him at one point. They smiled at him, and he questioned if the child was afraid of him. The child said that they were not afraid of Seismi, because they knew that he did his best to help them. The kid really calmed Seismi and his nerves. They helped him realize that the people of this town didn't deserve his safe keeping- the kid was pretty smart in that way.

Yet again, Seismi abandons the town without a word, striving to become more understanding and patient like his mother. He has not yet realized that he cannot save everyone.

He went on to practice those qualities of patience and understanding by finding some sort of work where he could also take his mind off the past. He first had a lousy job as a dishwasher down at some restaurant... which he quit due to not seeing any self-improvement. Seismi moved onto being a waiter at a kids restaurant/playplace after, but that made him find that he didn't really like kids... As the brats would often act stupid to one another and not have any respect towards him. He tried to bear it, but got fired for threatening to eat a few kids if they didn't play nice. There was a point in time where he had been offered a babysitting job... but you know... He threatened to eat the kids. That obviously didn't turn out well.

Seismi then ended up stumbling across Cafe Central of Amenity city... He thought he could try working at one of the cafe's. The area seemed to be calming (and not full of children for all he knew.) He thought that he would be able find peace in himself there... and if not, he'll just have to move on.





:bulletyellow:He likes to drink things with a straw... but it's a struggle because his sharp teeth poke holes in them.
:bulletyellow:The majority of his threats involve eating someone, mainly children.
:bulletyellow:His hair and tail (as well as any other area of white scales on him) glow a light blue-ish color in the dark.
:bulletyellow:He has darker, grayer scales in patches on some areas of his body; the bridge of his nose, knees, wrists... they're most likely to be around his joints.
:bulletyellow:He usually doesn't care to do anything special with his hair. On rare occasions he'll slick it back.
:bulletyellow:When he was younger, he combated hormones by eating crunchy snacks... that's still how he deals with those things.
:bulletyellow:When more delicate animals and creatures are around him, he's much more aware.
:bulletyellow:The majority of his spurts of paranoia happen during the time of night, so he tries to stick inside before the sun sets. This can be counteracted by a free spirit who's willing to drag him into some fun.
:bulletyellow:One of the reasons why he likes to wear long jackets is because he likes to see it move around when he walks, runs, or  does pretty much anything... but he won't tell you that.