The Nameless



3 years, 11 months ago


Full Name: Mx. Blight Guilym Adaranth Tenebris
Title: The Nameless
Age: Unknown (Presumed several centuries)
Gender: Unknown (No preference)
Orientation: Unknown

Species: Human?
Physical Traits: Rather unremarkable. Despite being someone you'll never forget, once introduced, anything and everything they do seems completely commonplace, so much so that you'll find yourself forgetting interactions with them. Say, where did that priceless heirloom go?
Personality: Mx. Tenebris is an esteemed member of the Apostles, having been one of the first to take up the mantle in the 1800's. Some claim they went by a different name, then, and that they did not style their hair quite like that. Others insist the Tenebris name has been around then and much longer, and that the family had always been the backbone of the Apostles.
Mx. Tenebris has nothing to say on the matter.
They are exceptionally diplomatic, and their ability allows for effortless dismantling of cult practices. 

Ability: The Nameless - As if by some legendary persuasion, they are able to convince anyone that they are doing exactly what they are supposed to. Trespassing, theft, acts of violence- none of it is particularly unallowed, if it is by their hand. Very few people are able to question their influence, which makes them a highly effective tool in cult eradication. They can simply walk inside and extract objects of importance, kill leaders, whatever is needed to cut off the head, so to speak. 

The Godhead is immune to their ability.

Strengths: Intelligent, thoughtful, and deliberate in their actions. Usually able to talk their way into and out of most encounters.
Weaknesses: They don't have much personal drive, at least not anymore. Needs a leader to get anything substantial done.
Likes: Dew on flowers, greenhouse windows, oil paintings. The smell of incoming rain. Birdsong.
Dislikes: Hot summer days and large dogs. Vampire bats.

Content Level: SFW
Warnings: Mentions of violence.


The Godhead - Leader, friend

The Apostles - Companions

Sister Misery - ???