orpheus dovokov



4 years, 4 months ago


  • orpheus dovokov

  • nickname(s)
  • age early 60s
  • gender male
  • species cambion
  • occupation the king of esceynia

pronouns he/him





alignment lawful neutral


• the sovereign of esceynia. he is not especially popular with esceynia's citizenry, especially in the last decade or so.

• responsible for implementing kevadar presence in esceynian cities; has been under a lot of scruitiny since their increased instability and subsequent threat to the public.

blood magic

• able to manipulate his own blood into solid objects. generally he uses his abilities offensively and devensively and his go-to weapon is a large, wide bladed sword with a circular handle.

• due to his ability, he can lose large amounts of blood without dying or feeling faint.

• has to cut himself in order to bring blood outside of his body, but due to his ability lacerations heal without scarring (most of the time).


• an expert swordsman.


isobel dovokov

orpheus' ex-wife. the two met through their families, and though their marriage was largely due to politics, the two hit it off and came to enjoy each other's company. orpheus admired isobel's passion and determination in her work; not knowing, however, how those qualities would be used against him in the future. it was quickly apparent when he rose to the throne that isobel was more of a hinderance than help on his responsibilities, though he initially tried to put it out of his mind. he enjoyed his time with her and their children as a family, but their professional relationship continued to become more and more strained. he came to feel more paranoid and wary of her over time, and his suspicions were proven rational when he discovered the treasonous actions she was taking behind his back. he was even more apalled to learn she had involved their daughter in the ordeal, but nonetheless exerted what power he could to make sure they could never compromise his position again.


luz dovokov

orpheus' daughter. orpheus was enamored with his daughter when he first layed eyes on her. as a child, he tried bonding with her more, but found that she was always more drawn to her mother. he was disappointed that she didnt seem to have inherited his, or any, magic abilities, and that she seemed to have no interest in any sort of combat, but recognized her intellegence and perserverence that reminded him of her mother. as she grew older, orpheus began to view her more and more as a heir than his daughter. luz was more than capable of leading, though she seemed wholey disinterested in her inheritance. orpheus grew to accept this, recognizing that it would be easier to maintain his own power without an eager heir attempting to usher him out of the throne. when he discovered luz was working behind his back with isobel he was surprised, and more importantly convinced that he had been wrong about her disinterest in taking his power. while many considered his decision to expel her from the country alongside her mother unnecessary considering she was underage and his kin, orpheus wanted to insure that she was stripped of all her inheritance.


blaire dovokov

orpheus' son. he never harbored the same desire to have another child that isobel did, as he was busy with his work when blaire was born. he became more interested in his son upon finding out he had inherited his magic ability, and took it upon himself to mentor blaire in developing his abilities. also unlike luz, blaire took an interest in swordfighting, and orpheus was proud to see his son excell with the skill from a young age, though isobel wasnt as supportive of the idea of developing the skill so young. when the incident concerning isobel and luz occured, orpheus recognized that his son was wholey reliant on him then, as well as still young and impressionable. after losing his first daughter, blaire came to hold the inheritance of his throne, and orpheus sought to raise blaire with more attention and restriction than he had with luz. he had hoped blaire would shape up to be as admirable as luz had been in her youth, as well as someone who respected orpheus' power and ideals, however in his adolescence it became clear to orpheus that blaire was unstable and reckless. while orpheus could acknowledge blaire's intellegence and skill in many areas, blaire was not subtle in hiding his disdain for his father and disagreement with his leadership style. aware that blaire would not hesitate in following his mother and sister's footsteps in acting against orpheus' interests if he gave him political influence, orpheus stripped blaire of what responsibilities and powers that he could, even into blaire's adulthood. he is deeply disappointed in blaire's flamboyant and self-destructive lifestyle, and is annoyed that his son has continued to be immature and disrespectful of his title and orpheus' image.


yara ozerov

orpheus’ charge, and head of his private militia. orpheus happened upon them while seeking out magic users, and the child was a particularly rare find despite their less than ideal shortcomings. nevertheless, orpheus saw it worthwhile to take authority over them. he has been extremely pleased with their achievements and loyalty towards him; an investment well paid off.

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