


3 years, 11 months ago


"Stop being noisy."
Maia De Luna

lady-like . soft-spoken . tidy . shrewd . moody

■ Age 16
■ Height 4'11.5" ft | 151 cm
■ Weight 90 lbs | 40.8 kg
■ Gender Female
■ Orientation Demisexual
■ Status ???
■ Occupation Student
■ Species Wishbone
■ Sin Type White Bone | Twin Goldfish

■ References 「 1 」「 2 」

creator「wishbone」× co-owner「kanlamari
About Maia


Maia is a somewhat inexpressive girl not because she is unfeeling, but rather reserved and unwilling to show others her true self. Only her older brother ever sees her genuinely smile. She is graceful and lady-like because it came with her etiquette and ballet classes from when she was very young; while she doesn't have any passion or liking for ballet, she does her best because she wants to impress her older brother who watches her perform.


Earth survived an apocalyptic event called "The Last Judgment" where a pandemic killed more than two-thirds of the world population, and special individuals are brought back to life if the "sin", the virus, is compatible with its host. Survivors are called "wishbones" because the sin chooses someone with strong desires and contracts anyone who manages to make a "wish" to it. The sin and the host have a symbiotic relationship and the person brought back retains their self and gains special powers and abilities.

Maia is one such individual and her unusual right eye is one of the symptoms of her infection. She lost her parents to the disease, but is searching for her older brother whom she knew survived. She is currently in an adoptive family while adjusting to the new norm the world has created a decade after the great pandemic.


  • Her brother
  • Cute hair accessories
  • Animals
  • Spicy food
  • A certain black cat . . .

  • Being separated from her brother
  • Anything messy
  • Dilly-dallying
  • Foot sores
  • Noise

「Nixon | Brother」

Maia's older brother whom she got separated from after the pandemic ten years ago. Her older brother is the most important person in the world to her, so it really broke her heart when they were forcefully separated at the orphanage. Her foster parents only wanted a daughter. Ever since then she has been secretly trying to find him, and is very much considering to run away from home once she does. Despite how caring her current parents are, she held that separation against them.

「Salem | Childhood Friend」

The closest person she's willing to acknowledge as a childhood friend. She remembers him to be a doting older brother figure with a very clownish attitude. Even though she isn't very fond of him, she at least recognizes him as her older brother's closest friend. Even though Maia was very young back then, she clearly remembers and appreciates how Salem took care of her and her brother back at the orphanage. Despite her reservations towards him, she wears the cat clip he gave her many years ago as a remembrance.