


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



Last Name

Käärme (Not his real last name because Xylons in Estaol do not have last names. They adopt one if they plan to associate with other races more used to having last names in their society)

Name Meaning

Meri - A Finnish name meaning "The Sea", Käärme - Means "Serpent" in Finnish


Unknown (Approximately the same as Visura, perhaps 18-24 (In human maturity) in appearance? Because Xylons are related to the merfolk of Lato they had formerly been elves and therefore age slower than humans so they are currently around 40 years old which is approximately when they reach physical maturity--20 years is more similar to 13 years old in maturity for them)


Genderfluid/Male (Biologically and obviously due to ikemen features)




Mezzo (common), Pointy Harp Ears (common), Dual Winged Wrist Fins (uncommon)

Precious Gemstone

Rose Quartz


Neutral Good

Personality Highlights

Tsundere | Flirty (Selectively) | Shy (Around those he likes) | Proud | Vain | Aloof | Reserved | Oblivious (to genuine affection) | Persceptive (to everything else) | Affectionate (to those he cares for) | Stubborn | Mischievous


Supernatural Detective


Fighter (?)


[Coming Soon]


Khasis' love interest, Nen's younger brother figure and love interest, Visura's biological elder brother, Ceto's elder brother figure, Pochai and Biisai's older brother/father figure, Tulia's master (Canon Ver.)

Acquired Through



Species Cannon Version:

Personality: The very definition of a tsundere but with a flirty side. Typically oblivious when someone shows him affection and will react violently upon realization out of habit and trying to hide his embarrassment. Meri is often very vain and likes to keep himself well groomed so that he is in top condition to flirt with anyone. He has a mischievous hobby of causing poor sailors to hallucinationate similarly to his sister, Visura. He also likes to chase after crustaceans with his sister just to spend time with her and Nen. He loves his little Tulia quite a bit as well and practically takes him everywhere when he possibly can. Meri usually comes off aloof, reserved, and introverted towards most unless he gets to know someone or he has an interest in the person which will usually result in flirting (unless it's Nen, who seemingly gets friend zoned on the daily)... He loves the taste of shark and isn't afraid to hunt them. Alternatively, he also likes tuna. Enjoys puzzles.



His companion Xybun's name is Tulia which in Latin can mean "Heavy rain".

He is the love interest of Nen but remains completely oblivious about his feelings. He doesn't mean any harm but his way of handling actual love for someone can be tricky, especially since he tends to be a huge flirt and the feelings are left in an unrequited status. He views Nen as more of an older brother figure, making it difficult for him to feel the same. He is currently seeking the perfect partner, but he openly flirts with anyone...

Meri had once attended the "concert" of a particular Xylon. Though his song was known for inspiring creativity in others, Meri was there for other reasons. At first he had attended the "concert" because of a tip about an abuse in power from a deity's presence at the event. To him it appeared to be nothing more than a Xylon causing his hallucinations to work on the hearts of those attending the "concert". However, there definitely seemed to be a divine presence. Meri decided to investigate further but during his investigation he found an attachment to the singer and his songs. While others found inspiration, Meri found love and admiration for the artist. He wanted to know more and maybe create a duet with his new found interest in the particular Xylon.

The area that Visura and Meri live is very close to the dockside of a local tavern. Here many rowdy sailors frequent making them a prime target food source for the siblings and thus where Meri gets his flirtatious nature. While a good portion of the emotions they feed off of are the same, Visura tends to steer clear of the flirty sailors as much as possible, perhaps why she is a little more standoffish than her brother.

Raised Pochai and Biisai from small larvae with Visura and Nen. He has taken Pochai under his wing fins and taught him the ways of detective work. The two are practically inseparable partners in crime solving.

His birthday is the 4th of December!