In This Economy (Kaia)



5 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info


Female (she/her, he/him)




Celestial Siamese


5'9, Lean and muscular


Government hitman



Kaia (K to most) is a government employee known for her discreet troubleshooting services - as in, she shoots trouble and nobody hears about it. Typically her work involves arranging unfortunate accidents and sowing chaos amongst rival companies. It's not a glamorous job, but it pays the bills. She's an elusive woman, always keeping others at a distance. Kaia was born with a third eye, which gives her a unique sensory advantage, but she's always hated it and prefers to keep it hidden under her hair.

Kaia was a very troublesome youth from a reasonably well-off family, guided by impulse and rage more than any particular moral code. On one occasion however, she was accidentally swept up in a protest while fleeing from law enforcement. Her unbridled zest for chaos caught the attention of a resolute, intelligent young woman by the name of Cecily. Having grown up quite poor, Cecily dedicated every waking moment to studying and grinding to a position where she could affect change. In contrast to Kaia's propensity for creeping and brawling, Cecily's weapons of choice were her charisma and attention to detail. For the first time in her life, Kaia had a sense of purpose, and in exchange she gave Cecily protection (and the concept of leisure time). The two quickly became inseparable, and quickly became leading figures in a notorious anti-government organisation. 

As the political situation on their small planet worsened, Cecily and Kaia doubled down in their efforts to salvage things. Their organisation became rife with infighting, some determined to save the planet and others simply trying to sabotage the rich elite's getaway plan. Cecily and Kaia continued to pull off increasingly risky operations, but as the group strained, so did their relationship. By the time government communications ceased with the people on the ground, Kaia felt more scared and uncertain than ever before. While Cecily remained resolute in fighting for her family and community, Kaia's family pleaded with her to join them in safety until she eventually lost contact with them completely.
The organisation continued to crack, and despite Cecily's best efforts, more crucial mistakes were made. The goal of saving the planet was rapidly subsumed by the struggle to stay alive and evade capture. Eventually, a message was passed on to Kaia from a rebel who had disappeared some time ago - her family was safe and had even secured her a position up-top, on the condition that she divulge the location of their next hideout. She did. 

These days, Kaia spends her off-time training and gaming in her sparse apartment. She isn't paid fairly but it's enough to live off of, investing what she can in her contacts and resources. She absolutely hates going out, but can't cook to save her life and is subsequently very familiar with all the local fast-food joints (and their delivery staff). 

Originally designed by Babemagnet in February 2016, purchased from Fur Affinity user Batastic (now deleted) in January 2017 for $50 USD.