Poppy Seed



3 years, 11 months ago


Poppy Seed

High-Flying . Actor . Spunky . Punk Rock

Name Poppy Seed
Called Pops/Popples/Popstar
Age 26
DoB November 16th
Gender Genderfluid (He/They)
Height 5''5'''
Species Gingerfolk
Role Leader of the Crackerjack Circus Acrobats
Pet Platinum Mic


  • A handful of black poppy seeds
  • A handful of white poppy seeds
  • A handful of grey poppy seeds
  • A few swirls of fresh honey
  • A dash of sugar


Poppy Seed is the head acrobat and lead performer of the trapeze stunts at the Crackerjack Circus, working with his crew to bring a spectacular show of flying flips and tricks for the folks in the audience! He was one, if the not the first, performer for the circus, but nobody really knows how he got there, at least nobody knows the full straight forward story. The oh so cool guy never admits to trying out or anything, doesn't even admit to something as easy as an evaluation, and when he does, it's a different story every time. Sometimes he says that the elephants found him and he was deemed a natural right out of the gate, other times he jokes that he showed up one day and Funnel didn't notice who they were working with until a week after. Other times, though, he just simply says he doesn't want to talk about it. Most people are happy to take it as a joke, just Poppy acting like the resident Cool Guy of the circus. Most people.

Before his debut with the Crackerjack Circus, Poppy was homeless for 17 years, unable to find a place of his own after escaping the kitchen he was made in. He got by by playing music on a guitar that was gifted to him and singing songs on the street with Platinum Mic- a living magic microphone that found her way to him from a music shop -using the money he earned to buy food and pay people to let him stay with them for a night or two. He was a bit of a vagabond, never staying in one place, but usually coming back to certain areas if the friends he made there stayed, like the Soda kids. He's not homeless now, mind you, his paycheck from Crackerjack most definitely helped him pay for an apartment where he is currently living comfortably! These days, when he isn't working at the circus, Poppy can be found at the community theater fulfilling his dream of being an actor, but he often turns down lead roles. He's famous enough, after all!


Poppy, given that poppy seeds contain levels of opium, has recently discovered that he can enter a state where he becomes highly toxic and can produce pure liquid opium from the freckles closer to his hands and the ones on his face. This liquid opium is still technically magic, so the side effects can vary, ranging from mild opium poisoning to death if he really wishes such an ill will towards you. Since this is a recent discovery, he's still working on getting it under control, but so far, he's only poisoned one person! (Sorry Funnel....)


  • Acting!
  • Driving VERY Fast
  • Making His Own Clothes
  • Causing a Disturbance


  • Being Called a "Baby"
  • Jokes Going on For Too Long
  • Being Cold
  • Feeling Helpless


  • Driving At Illegal Speeds
  • Acting In Community Theater
  • Writing Music with S0DA BUCK3T
  • Going To The Mall




If left unattended, Poppy will somehow acquire poppy flowers- doesn't matter WHERE you are, he'll get them -and eat them as they are.

Poppy got his current hair style from Funnel, styled and fashioned from a hair cut he had given him years prior. He's kept the style ever since!

Poppy is poisonous but only when he actively chooses to be...or you upset him.

The majority of Poppys money goes towards jeans and leggings that he cuts up with Dog Biscuit.

Poppys favorite band is Marianas Trench.



Funnel Cake

Big Sibling Figure

"Funnel is my boss!! Adore this daft fuckin' bloke nowadays, after they cleaned up their act and started making efforts to get themself together. I'm supposed to take over as the ringleader when they retire and I know that's not for a long time, but I don't think I'm ready yet...."


Song Bird


"I LOVE Song Bird! He takes me to parties all the time, the ones he throws and the ones he finds! If it weren't for him, sometimes though, I wouldn't be able to get alcohol when I go..."


Fireball Whiskey

Father Figure

"Whiskey! I've known Whiskey for a lot longer than people think, back when I was still homeless and he was still a bobby- that means police officer. We didn't cross paths often, but when we did, he would get me something to eat and find me somewhere warm and safe to spend a few nights. I'm happy I found him again after all these years."