


3 years, 11 months ago


Nickname Josh, Jo, Jojo, Yoshiya
Birthday 5 July ♋
Age Old enough
Height 174cm
Gender Male
Species Human?
Ethnicity Eurasian
Blood Type O+
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Illustrator, Designer

Status Alive | dead inside
Worth Everything [+$0 USD]

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal."

Edgy crybaby weeb with a dash of tsundere and memes. Josh is an ambivert or what some might call an "outgoing introvert" or "reserved extrovert". He's sometimes shy and anxious but can mask his true feelings and appear to be quite friendly and charming (sometimes even flirty). He feels emotions intensely and gets hurt as quickly as he falls in love with someone or something but will usually repress his feelings until it eventually overwhelms him.

Due to growing up being compared to others and having expectations set upon him, sometimes he can appear to be competitive and jealous. He often feels unworthy and rarely asks others for help believeing he can resolve things alone while saying, "I'll be fine, I'm used to it" or "I'll get over it". His preference to do things alone also comes a lack of trust and fear of judgement after being hurt in the past. He also occasionally seeks validation which is why he tries so hard to be friendly and lovable however when his affection is not returned he ends up feeling emotionally burnt out and unloved. Because of this, he dislikes being ignored and hates it even more when someone can't keep their word or breaks their promise to him. Although Josh can be forgiving, he can hold onto bitter feelings for a very long time if someone severely hurts him and betrays his trust.

[I'll update this over time. I had no sleep lmao]


Imaginative . Versatile . Excitable . Empathetic . Protective . Attached . Erratic . Moody

  • Art and music
  • TV and games
  • Space, oceans and animals
  • Food
  • Melon soda and bubble tea

  • Being ignored or rejected
  • Unrequited love and heartbreak
  • Sweating
  • Beansprouts
  • Ginger

  • Joshua is Hebrew for "God's Salvation."
  • Ryuzaki contains the Kanji for "dragon" (竜 ryu) and "cape, peninsula" (崎 saki).
  • He is half-Japanese, Thai and Spanish.
  • Bisexual but has a preference for men.
  • He works as a freelance Japanese translator sometimes.
  • His hobbies are drawing, writing, reading, gaming, coding, cooking, swimming, parkouring, singing and stargazing. He occasionally composes and plays piano and guitar. He also likes to research about things that fascinate him like languages, stars, space, science, true crime, mysteries, ancient history, etc.
  • He likes shopping for clothes, eyeliner, nailpolish and accessories. His fashion style ranges between edgy, grunge, goth, stylish or casual.
  • He has a "small" collection of plushies and figures.
  • He knows Muay Thai and Karate.
  • Favourite colours: Blue and Turquoise.
  • Favourite flowers: Roses, Forget-me-nots, Delphiniums, Water lillies, Zephyranthes, Irises and Asphodels.
  • Favourite games: Genshin Impact, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Persona, Fire Emblem, Tales of, Zelda, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Ace Attorney and Stardew Valley.
  • Favourite alcohols: Irish Cream, Bourbon, Spirits, Midori and Alizé. Hates beer, prefers sweet drinks.
  • His canine teeth are pointy.
  • Has fast metabolism and doesn't need to eat much but he can eat a lot if he feels like it.
  • Sometimes forgets to eat when upset.
  • He initially loses his appetite and gets insomnia when he's crushing on someone.
  • He's fascinated with magic, astrology, tarot cards and the paranormal but isn't fond of the idea of seeing ghosts and demons.
  • Doesn't like it when people watch him draw, it makes him uncomfortable.
  • Hates long serious conversations and gets bored and sleepy during lectures. He'll start to fidget or draw to keep himself focused and awake.
  • Repetitive noise irritates him a lot.
  • Has Astigmatism but rarely wears his glasses unless he feels like it.
  • He's socially anxious but can mask it and appear charismatic and outgoing.
  • He has mild Spectrophobia but only when it's dark. He's afraid of there being something malevolent living inside mirrors.