MissA (Miss Adorable)



Personality: Cat, sweet, clingy, needs her mamas. Sometimes mischievous.

MissA is my cat. She is 2 years old and a total mommy's girl. She loves her mama and likes her grandma, but if anyone else (be it human or animal) try to get close she get's really anxious. She still sleeps with her mommy every night and follows her around the house. She is going through her teenage years right now so she can be a bit mischievous and starting to gain some independence like going on walks in the backyard alone (on a harness and leash).

MissA's mom never hears her meows so when grandma and the brothers claimed that MissA cries whenever she went to work, she never really believed them. That was until, mama was in the restroom before work and MissA thought she had already left. Apparently MissA cries whenever her mama leaves the house and she waits by the door and window for her to come home all day long. She is veeeery happy that CoVid is here because mama is home with her all day long 😂.

MissA really likes to lay in weird things. My laundry, under the sheets or blankets, sandwiched by my legs, in the sink, the plastic water bottle bag. If she fits, she sits.