
3 years, 10 months ago


TW: this character is a pedophile, her actions are bad, she is bad. she is based off of my rapist from real life, but taken to a more extreme level. thanks. 

April is a scientist who is just a fucking bitch i just hate her and i hate writing her tbh

April, in her younger years, could not shake the feeling that she was being alienated by her other colleauges due to her gender. over time, this belief, which would go completely unchecked, would evolve into a massive superiority complex where april felt as though her work was better than that of anybody elses, with her argument being that because she worked harder than some of her other coworkers, her work must have been better. This view mutated into trans-exclusionary radical femminism over time, and a dislike of anybody who was not of her similar biological sex. 

in other words, because april defined humans by their genitalia, and perpetuated the idea that all men were inherently violent and sexually driven, this left a large dent on her relationships with other people. After causing a massive accident at her old labratory, which resulted in the death of Nick's mother and Faustus's wife, she gained custody of nick, and began to instill these harmful ideologies onto him as well.

Aprils pedophilia was never acted upon until she began raising nick. Although it started with fantasies and daydreaming, it soon turned into full blown molestation. April excused these behaviors in her mind, as being justified, due to her aformentioned opinions. To ease her guilt, she gave nick evidence to believe that they were in a romantic relationship, even when he was a young child. By heavily skewing nicks ideas of right and wrong, she was able to get away with this behavior for ten years. 

But, as nick grew older, April lost more and more of her attraction to him. It turned into April raping and beating nick for the sole purpose of feeling power over him, and eventually, Nick started fighting back. As April slowly began loosing control over nick, she grew more and more anxious. This ended with april attempting to kill nick, and, when she failed, framing him for the death of his father. April grows more anxious as her plan continues to fall apart, but is murdered by Arche before she can be arrested.