


7 years, 4 months ago


Resident angelic space heater

Quick Stats

name Jehoel
Age ???
Gender Technically genderless
Pronouns He/Him
Race Angelic/Cherubim
Orient. Aromantic Asexual
Height Undetermined but 6'+
Faceclaim Jason Momoa ( X )


Observant, patient, mellow, accepting, protective

He's rather patient, when you've been sitting around guarding something for eons it's kind of a given.

Mellow. Not bothered by a lot unless provoked.

Guardian-like but is chill enough to have fun. Also is by no means possessive of those he watches over.

Observant/Curious (won't take it personally if "told" to shoo)

Can be kind of witty.


Very hard to intimidate, via physical or psychological means considering Angels can be all kinds of huge and terrifying where he's from and he's used to seeing as such. But this doesn't mean he won't back away from situations.

Relaxed, most of the time is just loafing around. He won't mind if others get up and leave if he happens to be sitting with others for long periods of time.

Has a rather "grey" view of the world. Doesn't see things in "black and white".

He's able to look past what's on the outside and try to form opinions based on a beings actions and such, for example his tolerance of demons in the forest, he won't outright attack them if spotted, and will tolerate their presence but if one was to attack he wouldn't hesitate to fight back. Of course on the inside he's still naturally uneasy about them.

Has a southern American accent, however it's not a full on "Texas twang" and is more gentle. Is a Georgian accent.


While in his human form, Jehoel is trailed by three other heads. However they cannot be seen by regular human beings and don’t abide by earthly physics (as in they just phase through solid objects and so on). You’d have to be an Angel (rank doesn’t matter) or a super gifted supernatural being to see them. Demons I’m not sure about yet. I guess he can properly hide them if needed.

His other heads are an Eagle, a Musk Ox and a Lion.

He can also swap heads at will when he wants to.

And said heads aren’t autonomous/don’t have individual personalities/etc. He’s in full control of each of them even though they just drift behind him aimlessly.

Human Form:

While in human form, Jehoel’s power is somewhat limited.

This is mainly because a human body isn’t all that great at dealing with/channeling angelic power and it usually has to abide by earthly laws of physics and junk (there’s some exceptions obviously for example: spaceheater mode and flight).

However he’d still be pretty hard to kill, even if his human form was completely wrecked. As long as his soul/spirit/idk is unharmed then he’ll survive. It’s the power and such he’s able to dish out that’s limited/restricted. His human form might end up “breaking” if he were to start seriously dishing out his angelic powers.

For example Jehoel while in human form can be beaten to a bloody pulp, even to the extent of having otherwise fatal injuries (to a human) and he’d still survive; he’d either attempt to regenerate or rid himself of the body and create a new one. Not to mention human manufactured weapons can’t permanently harm or kill him. This also means he can be subdued to an extent while in human form as he still feels pain. He can however break out of said human form at any given time and


  • Aside from being highly skilled with fire/fire powers, Jehoel also has some minor ice powers. Said ice powers are no where near as extensive as his power over fire, but he can most likely conjure the odd ice or cold something.
  • Jehoel would only really use his telepathy and mind reading if the situation was dire or he got permission first.
  • Something something 4th dimensional and above powers because what is time/space to angels.
  • Loves listening to Dolly Parton
  • Loves baking

Design Notes

Designer Me
Created 2014
Worth more corn chips
Stuff idk
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