


3 years, 10 months ago


"Were you led here by my light?"

charming . vain . flirty . cynic . cruel

■ Age 1000+ (appears mid-twenties)
■ Height 6'5" ft | 195.6 cm
■ Weight ???
■ Gender Male
■ Orientation Bisexual
■ Status ???
■ Occupation Mountain Deity
» (A guide & executioner)
■ Species Scarftail

■ References 「 1 」「 2 」

creator 「 umbral-wind
About Enmei


From a myriad of deaths, a deity was born from all the souls that have been swallowed up by the lone mountain. As decades pass, the villagers who lived near the mountain worshipped and feared this deity who was described to have a majestic humanoid form with skin of fine silk. It is said that if one passes through the mountain, they must be of someone of no ill-will while leaving an offering of silk cloth to pass through safely. Those who were able to survive the mountain speak of a floating lamp—said to be a ghostly apparition—that would guide them through the proper path. However if the conditions are not met, one would find themselves lost in the dark forest in a never-ending loop even after death. Corpses are then sucked dry by the butterflies, while the moths lay their eggs in the rotting body.


Enmei, despite being a deity, is rather child-like to an extent. He is playful, curious, and interested with humans especially those who do not pass his conditions of safe passage. While he isn't sadistic he is intrigued when a group of humans would betray one another to survive after getting lost for many days. The floating lamp which survivors see is actually the glowing gem that's at the end of his tail, leading those worthy of seeing it to safety. It is rare for him to appear in front of a passersby, but may reveal himself if he finds certain people interesting whether they are good or evil. He deeply loves music and folk songs, thus can be serenaded by musicians and minstrels. If the person is only capable of singing without an instrument, then he himself will accompany them with his shamisen. If the person is skilled enough to perform to his standards, they may pass safely despite not meeting the regular conditions.


  • Night
  • Music
  • Feminine people
  • Folk songs & tales
  • Observing human wars

  • Damaged musical instruments
  • Awful singing
  • Bad offerings
  • Boredom
  • Scent of rotting flesh