Grem - 3653



3 years, 11 months ago



Name Grem
Origin Trespasser
Nature Clingy
Size Elongated
Collection MYO
Masterlist 3653

A very shy and timid esk who easily gets scared. They must hold their rock in order to feel comfortable, and they are terrified to leave their boundary as such. A bit of a crybaby as well.


  • Rocks (Yooperlites to be exact)
  • Their Boundary
  • Light
  • TBD


  • Themself
  • Anything Scary
  • Lightning
  • The Dark


Formally a goldfish who was dumped into the Great Lakes by a child, they were trying to find their way home when they had an encounter with Seventh. It was a stormy night when the esk unknowningly transformed the goldfish while it was terrified and alone. Waking up to their new form, they found themself terrifed without holding a Yooperlite, the light glowing from it makes them less terrifed of the dark, and merely hugging on it just gave some comfort out on these waters. Yet, the esk found themselves to be "broken", as without the rock, they feel as if they could not be a "normal" esk.

Drawing Guidelines

When possible, Grem should be shown with their elemental almost at all times, since they have no control of their elemental, and don't know they could even turn it on or off. Not only that, but when possible, they should be hugging their rock NF, due to the fact they are scared and terrifed without their rock. Sorry about this, it is just that a lot of Grem's design is based on some story aspects about him. QvQ



Seventh  [ relationship ]

Grem's creator. That is their only relationship really; Grem vaguely remembers them from memories of their transformation and the sheer fear and terror from it, and the lightning going off above (As such, lightning reminds them of how they were transformed, scaring them). Although Grem hates the fact they are a "broken" esk, as they see it, they can't find it in themselves to blame Seventh for this fact, rather, they blame themself for somehow not being "right".


Rilett  [ relationship ]

Rilett sometimes visits the timid Grem, mostly due to curiousity, but also, to spook the poor esk for fun. This tends to happen once Grem is starting to get comfortable around Rilett (as his appearance scares Grem), but once the spooking occurs, the cycle repeats.


Character  [ relationship ]

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