Valhalla, the Fourth Hokage





Name Valhalla
Nicknames Halla
Pronouns he/him
Species Buttermilk
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Open for slot trades!
common edits { mouth }
uncommon edits { hair }
rare edits { unicorn horn }



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Valhalla, where the brave live forever, is a place dedicated to immortalizing the worthy. It's for the brave and bold and those who deserve glory and, if push came to shove and he was asked to judge, Valhalla has not lived a life worthy of his name. He's spent most of his childhood being herded around by a travelling circus, paraded in front of small audiences as a 'real heraldic unicorn'. It wasn't happy or filled with glory, despite the too bright stage lights and the cheers from the crowd. Valhalla is far from fond when thinking back on it. There's nothing he'd categorize as good in any capacity, save for perhaps that one stage hand who would sneak him apple slices as a treat whenever he could. But, fortunately, things are better now. The bigger he got the harder it got for the circus to handle him. Eventually, he got so big that when he finally tried it, pushing his way past them and to freedom became almost laughably easy.

Since then he's been doing his best to be worthy of his name. And he's been doing his best to make memories worth having. He's tried many things since then and has a handful of things that he would truly say he loves. Mostly it's stuff as simple as the taste of coffee early in the cool morning or the smell of fruit pastries wafting from the edge of town or the feel of ocean waters on his hooves. Sometimes it's more complicated, like the sense of peace he feels in his soul as he basks in the warm sunlight or the feeling of satisfaction he gets when he offers someone a helping hand.

That all being said, nothing will ever top that first moment. He will never feel as good as he did that first time he got to run free. Nothing will ever top the stretch of new muscle pushed to the limit for the first time or the now familiar thundering of his hooves on secure, solid dirt. To this day he's still chasing the feeling of wind in his hair and the awe of seeing stars untouched by light pollution as he finally ran free. It's a simple thing, when you boil it down to the literal, but it means so much more on a grander scheme. It's the memory of liberation. He's not sure he'll ever be able to top that, but that's okay. He still feels echoes of it every time he tries something new or every time he does something he considered 'worth doing'. As long as he can keep feeling that, it was all worth it.



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Character  [ relationship ]

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