Erica Calloway (πŸƒ Creature-Crossing)



3 years, 9 months ago






Despite her age and love of traveling, Erica has yet to become world-weary. She firmly believes in the value of traveling and truly experiencing local culture, as opposed to snapping pictures and only visiting the main tourist landmarks. She likes to walk off the beaten path away from crowds, seeking value in odd items and pretty views that don't attract notable attention. Though innocent, obedient, and unwilling to harm others, she becomes upset at the idea of "private property." In her mind, the world is free and she has no problem sneaking past fences marked "Do Not Cross." Whatever's on the other side, she'll deal with when she gets there.

Erica, uh... Erica isn't dumb, but she's too naΓ―ve for her own good. She's very trusting and easily lured into doing something harmful unless you're too obvious about your intentions. Erica really just wants to be nice to everyone and becomes confused or disappointed at the idea of being rude to others (even in a teasing way). The meanest thing she'll ever do is leave you on Read, and she once went as long as 12 minutes without replying. She usually takes snide remarks as genuine and has a hard time understanding sarcasm, but will laugh loudly at your jokes when she gets them.

Erica is perfectly content to be alone for hours reading, cooking, or cleaning her home. Although she feels strong and independent, she has no ability to stand up for herself (or for anyone else). She's easily overwhelmed and quick to cry... she stomps, kicks, and rushes into things when she's stressed, making her an entertaining target for bullies. Cody is rarely around to stand up for her and spends more time than he would like calming her down again...


February 13th, 1994 - Present
Hathoria Hills
32 Rosebud Loop, Lilypad Town
Cody Hickory
Sage (Younger)
Heather and Lily (Older); Rose (Younger)


β˜… "Party in the USA" - Miley Cyrus

β˜… "Ours" - Taylor Swift

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist

β˜… "Title" - Artist


β˜… Erica is Cody's significant other. They are queerplatonic partners.

β˜… She has an udder beneath that sweater. Also four stomachs.

β˜… Highly touchy-feely and likes to talk to everyone. For the record, Cody is okay with her hugging/cuddling anyone she wants to and vice versa.

β˜… Face spots are slightly asymmetrical.

β˜… Very good at pottery; teaching pottery is her dream job. Didn't attend college, but Cody took extra art classes just to share textbooks with her.

β˜… She collects colorful glass bottles and likes to fill them with dirt or sand from various places she's visited.

β˜… Will always pick up litter when she sees it. Will politely confront those she sees littering, asking them not to do that.

β˜… Quick to volunteer when she sees you struggling with a task such as carrying things or opening doors.

β˜… Prone to miscommunication... You've been warned.

β˜… If Erica were a PokΓ©mon, she would be a Miltank. Her nature would be Naive and her IV would be Sturdy Body

β˜… Has several orange, brown, and white sweaters she likes to switch between, but this one's her favorite because of the long, cozy sleeves.

β˜… Afraid of ghosts, raiders, or anything else with mysterious wispy properties. Despite this, she has somewhat dark tastes... She loves horror movies that contain lots of violence, finding it exhilarating to be scared.

β˜… Prefers warm autumn colors and anything strawberry flavored. Banana bread is another favorite food.

β˜… Loves children even though she doesn't want any of her own; many people tend to be surprised by this. Her family and many friends back home have always insisted she would be a wonderful mother and even if she doesn't want biological children, she should at least adopt. She's patient with them, but very tired of hearing this. She and Cody don't want children and don't plan to change their minds.

β˜… Although not romantic herself, she enjoys gushing over other couples. Tends to pair males and females by default and is surprised but then supportive when a gay couple tell her they're dating. You might need to spell it out for her a little.

β˜… A very gentle, attentive, but naΓ―ve woman who speaks from the heart and through her very genuine personality.

Base profile box code by Coywolfy || Pagedoll art by RukiHiroshi