
7 years, 3 months ago



The Thrillseeker


Name: Arden Called: Ard
Gender: Female (She/Her) Age: Adult (Equivalent to 21 human years)
Sign: Virgo (August 25) MBTI: ENFP-T
Height: 3'4" Build: Average
Demeanor: Energetic, motivated Style: Comfortable
Origin: Ventura, CA Race: Vaiki
Role: Former recluse, Brooke's ex Alignment: Neutral Good


  • Parties
  • Travelling
  • Excitement


  • Routine
  • Feeling stuck
  • Traffic



A Vaiki born and raised in Ventura, CA, Arden grew up somewhat sheltered. And she was okay with this! Despite her nearness to the second-largest city in the country, she lived a calm and quiet life, watched over by the two trees on the hill, and it was nice.

But everything changes at some point - For Arden, it was when she met another Vaiki, taller than her with brown spotted fur and eyes like blueberries, sneaking under the barbed wire fence before dawn one early morning. It was a common practice, but Arden was a bit of a worrywart, a stickler for the rules and normalcy, and so she attempted to intervene. When confronted, told that she wasn't supposed to do that, the taller Vaiki just laughed and procilaimed, "Yeah, I can read. What, are ya gonna call the cops?" Ducking in after her, Arden tried to stop her... only to end up following her all the way up to the trees on the hill in her failed attempts to convince her to leave.

At the top of the hill, the other Vaiki gestured out over her town and towards the coast, grinning as the sun rose behind her. "Great view," she proclaimed, pulling out a phone and snapping a picture. "Now, aren't you glad you came up here? Would've missed out on this if you hadn't." A bit reluctantly, Arden had to agree. As Ventura awoke for the day, the two made their way back down the hill, Brooke chatting happily, and Arden humoring her and playing along, then joining in... and the rest is history.

The winter months Arden spent with Brooke changed her - Whether for the better or the worse, it's hard to say. After years of quiet, at times reclusive, normalcy, she developed a taste for thrills and excitement and adventure, a taste that remained even after the two broke up. These days, if you want to find Arden, all you have to do is seek out excitement and fun - An amusement park, a party, a concert, an event, or, well... just about anywhere different from her old, calm life.


Sugar Song and Bitter Step - Unison Square Garden

Dreams and Disasters - Owl City

My Party - Kero Kero Bonito


  • Arden often sneaks up to Two Trees when she's in Ventura with nothing better to do, and was very disappointed to hear about the death of one of the trees a few years ago... though she is grateful that they've planted a new one, at least.
  • Though Brooke and Arden have been separated for some time, and don't talk much any more, the two parted on fairly good terms, which they're grateful for. Arden has contemplated the possibility of them getting back together someday, though she doesn't know how likely that will be with their different approaches to life.
  • Arden is bi, with a slight preference for women.
